Server Suggestion Alternative bank robbery methods

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Main idea:
Having 2 alternative bank robbery methods

Currently the only way to rob the bank is by placing a drill on the vault. Before this, it was simply gunpointing an NPC. To make bank robberies go faster or slower and safer, in my opinion, 2 alternatives to the drill should be put into effect:

Why should this be added?:
Allowing bank robberies to be adapted to suit all play styles and to prevent all bank robberies feeling the same.

Vault bomb:
A Large explosive device, or multiple smaller explosives, that will be placed on the vault door. Using this method will make the vault room explode, blowing the doors off the vault room and killing anyone inside the vault area. The police will be notified the moment the bomb is placed, and a loud "Distant explosion" sound should play similar to the car explosion sound. The bomb will detonate 10 seconds after being placed. Whether or not this costs more or less than the drill is down to the developers.

Vault access code:
A small code panel should be placed in the vault room next to the vault, or alternatively the bank foreman's office computer could be used for this. The device will take longer than a drill and should make a noticeable beeping sound. The police will be notified of a bank robbery only when money inside the vault is picked up. The risk of having a slower entry to the vault with the pay off that the police will be notified only once money is taken would allow for a stealthier bank robbery, and if the robbers are quick, they can get out of there before Heavy TFU arrive on scene.

Bank robberies wont all feel the same
Better planning
Suiting bank robberies to different playstyles.

Would take time to implement
One of these methods could end up a new meta​
Honestly it would be fun to gun point the BPC and a silent alarm go off, maybe remodel a bit the bank and then you can add hostages. Not real players, NPCs that put theirbhands up and follow the bank robber around untill the bankrobber dies or it tells the NPC to lay down or go to the cop via text like commands. (Ex ON THE GROUND or ON THE FLOOR or maybe even use initials like OTG or OTF. Or LEAVE/GO). It eould be am interesting concept.
Now this is in line with the difficulty scaling of chop shop as a comparison. I see this fitting right in with the game mode and would love to see it added.
Honestly it would be fun to gun point the BPC and a silent alarm go off, maybe remodel a bit the bank and then you can add hostages. Not real players, NPCs that put theirbhands up and follow the bank robber around untill the bankrobber dies or it tells the NPC to lay down or go to the cop via text like commands. (Ex ON THE GROUND or ON THE FLOOR or maybe even use initials like OTG or OTF. Or LEAVE/GO). It eould be am interesting concept.
NPC Hostages aren’t ideal for perps bank robbery gameplay style, as for gunpointing the NPC this used to be the bank robbery method originally.
it'd be cool as hell if also when you put the code in you actually have a keypad where you simply click the right combo instead of just a loading bar.

IMO a minigame to rp breaching the keypad security would honestly be sick. This obviously would do with justifying the scaling for the reward being higher while giving the robbers a fun activity to do while doing the bank robbery instead of just sitting around waiting. In this instance the robber can fail due to the robber lacking the competence to complete the sequence so they bear that risk while promised the higher reward that is justified by this risk.

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