amirs ban appeal - @Super

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Super_
How long were you banned for: 6 months

Your Steam Name: amir.
Your In-game Name: Amir Arnolds
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:89289133

Why were you banned/blacklisted:Mass RDM
Why should this appeal be considered:
No more half assed apologies. I just want to start off and say I'm sorry to all community members who were affected by my mass RDM and I hope you can forgive me, I also want to say sorry to all staff members that had to deal with me during my time on perp.

It has been over two weeks now since I was banned, during that time I have reflected on my past self and saw how toxic I was by watching old clips I was honestly cringing about 80% of the time whilst watching the clips. I have come to realise how much I missed perp and I always tell myself and others that I don't miss perp or I'm not coming back, well that was a lie and it was honestly something that I told myself to keep me going, in the time it has been since I was banned I've been on the forums regularly watching updates and just seeing how the server has been moving forward. I have recently been unbanned from the forums which I am truly thankful as it gives me the opportunity to merge back into the community and start giving my opinion on things.
I also want to say sorry to the PLPD team for my malicious attack on the website where I went and promoted people to officer and tfu and spammed my mass RDM video it was insanely stupid of me and I am deeply sorry to those that put their heart and soul into their application and getting the excitement to think they passed to have it ripped away the last second, a few minutes after I attacked the PLPD website I felt instant regret and just ashamed of myself, because if I was in their position and I put all that effort into applying for officer or tfu just for some imbecile to ruin my chances I would be pissed.#

Some of you still haven't forgiven me for what I did and I know who you are because you have told me multiple times. I just want you to know that I truly am sorry and have changed for the better and i hope I can change your opinion about me, by my last 2 apologies getting denied I'm guessing the staff team don't feel that I have changed or don't want me back because of how I was in the past but I just wanted to show to you how sorry I am for all my past mistakes.

I would really like the chance to get back on the server and start having fun again like the good old days, just less toxic and mingy.

I hope you consider my apology and give me one more chance to prove myself that I have changed you will not regret it I promise.
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