An Apology, I suppose?

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IKEA - Northern Europe
Hello guys,

During the last couple of weeks a sad couple of events led to my demotion from administrator to moderator, after that I got demoted as PO to Citizen

I want to apologise for my absolute reckless actions both in-game and elsewhere in the community where people have been annoyed by my precense, a couple of events in my life have changed how I react on things and how I am as a person, it's something I'm trying to work on myself and I sometimes can't be bothered taking some situations as serious as some other people do in certain situations, thus resulting in me pissing people off which I really don't want to do, I find it funny there on the spot but afterwards trust me, I feel ashamed of my acts.

I don't want your picture of me want to change from a good staff member who stood up for the community and didn't always stand by decisions. I've always believed atleast that I've been seen as one of the better staff members and that's who I want to be. I don't want to be seen as a bad staff member who's just a minge, (@DB KILLER will know)

Thus I've decided that I won't be roleplaying for a while, rather just moderate the server and it's rules till I get my shit together.

Thanks for understanding I guess lol
Some people must really hate you if it's really that bad, I personally love your childish behavior because it isn't over the top neither is it excessively annoying. To me at least, I find it funny.
Terminator RP best RP.
In my opinion, I think you need to have some time off of perp and refresh yourself to prevent you from getting into these situations.
I kinda liked the mingy Daymon, better Roleplay, more fun times.
A staff member shouldn't always be serious.