Police Suggestion Anaconda for officers replaced

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Suggestion Title: Anaconda for officers replaced
Suggestion Description: It’s pretty silly that every officer in the PD has access to a .44 magnum revolver. The damage output offered by this weapon is immense. Whilst it forces officers to conserve ammo, place shots well, and engage from a distance, this is essentially a pocket sniper for cops. The damage output of .44 magnum is immense on an unarmoured target. 99.99% of the time an officer will be intentionally firing upon unarmoured targets (key word being intentional, crossfire amongst cops is at an all time high) So the armour damage benefit .44 has is unnecessary.

I agree with the idea of giving cops revolvers, But .44 magnum being the bare minimum starting point is crazy given that .44 magnum is the 3rd most powerful handgun cartridge on the server, and it doesn’t really fall far behind the alternatives.

Then we look at the other end of the spectrum, where corporals receive the SW Model 19. The model 19 is a far more realistic police weapon for all officers. The SW model 19 was actually often used by officers with .38 special ammunition.

The Colt Python also stands out as a brilliant choice for officers ranked officer.

I feel as though due to its raw power, .44 magnum should be a benefit only received by Supervisors, this incentivises ranking up with another perk and limits the deployment of .44 magnum.

Just some stats about .44 magnum:
- It does more per shot damage than most rifles.
- If I recall correctly, it can sometimes 1 shot body at close range. It can also technically 1 shot with a quick bleed out time.
- In terms of spread and drop, it’s a pocket M24.

Benefits of .357 magnum include:
- Good all round range performance, so it replacing the anaconda in its current state wouldnt change ease of use.
- Has less recoil allowing more skilled users to hit follow up shots without much effort.
- In terms of balance, it does less damage. For a gun that is free and accessible for as long as you don’t break policies with it, this is a pretty desirable trait to have.
- In terms of skill, anyone good with the anaconda will still be skilled with the Colt Python, probably more so.
- Less penetration = less crossfire potential and less damage taken from crossfire incidents.

To imitate the revolvers used in police service, I suggest:

In terms of the Model 19:
- Replacing the Colt Anaconda with the Smith and Wesson model 19.
- Acquiring the rank of Corporal should grant the Colt Python instead of the Model 19.

- Replace the Anaconda with the Colt Python. (My personal preference in general as the Python is a slept on gun, especially in the PD).

Why should this be added?:
- Realistic option.
- More user friendly technically.
- Officers who are skilled in revolvers wouldn’t be hit by this too hard.
- Incentivises ranking up.
- Less penetration damage means less crossfire potential.
- QoL for people who are stuck inside projex in a shootout
- The whole PD stops playing Clint Eastwood.

What negatives could this have?:
- PLPD pistol sniper nerf?
- Less powerful weapon for new officers.
- Civ get big magnum, why cop get small magnum (also civ aK and grenade)
@Dom_ has had a mouthful about this in admin chat recently....
beat me to it

anyway yeah +1 the fact that cops get access to this is really quite absurd, just feels unfair to play against when i get hit to majorly from a legshot across the map from a pistol cop
If it means not going through 100 stims a raid bc 16 pistols cops are hitting me one time every peek for 75hp then yes. Doesn't make sense for every cop to be rolling around with a pocket M24 and this is a minor PD nerf that could satisfy crims for a little while.
-1 Disagree, situation in this video speaks it all.

Anaconda are only limited to Senior or above already.
-1 for what reason, because you cant aim?

You hit him once in the back, which probably did a good amount of damage, your second shot completely missed. Not really sure what your point is with this video?
-1 for what reason, because you cant aim?

You hit him once in the back, which probably did a good amount of damage, your second shot completely missed. Not really sure what your point is with this video?
Thank for the feedback, you can stop roasting my aim now please. You will cringe more than me if you have 400 ms of pings and shitty Australian networking like I DO. The fact he mentioned it will 1 shot someone in close range is sort of false statement as you can see in this situation I was literally almost point blank and shot his upper torso. Furthermore, the fact that civilian was holding forking assault rifle was already big win no doubt, I can't imagine how unfair it will become during longer range shootout if they decided to remove the Anaconda from us. We literally have nothing against civilian during mid range to long range combat.

From my experience, I found the accuracy of Anaconda may vary, it could be extremely accurate but it can also land few inch away from target. Therefore I highly disagree the suggestion that was provided above and the existing structure shall be retained.
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I'd be all for swapping the model 19 and anaconda, as the model 19 is a more realistic standard duty revolver, and have the anaconda locked behind corporal or whatever
Thank for the feedback, you can stop roasting my aim now please. You will cringe more than me if you have 400 ms of pings and shitty Australian networking like I DO. The fact he mentioned it will 1 shot someone in close range is sort of false statement as you can see in this situation I was literally almost point blank and shot his upper torso. Furthermore, the fact that civilian was holding forking assault rifle was already big win no doubt, I can't imagine how unfair it will become during longer range shootout if they decided to remove the Anaconda from us. We literally have nothing against civilian during mid range to long range combat.

From my experience, I found the accuracy of Anaconda may vary, it could be extremely accurate but it can also land few inch away from target. Therefore I highly disagree the suggestion that was provided above and the existing structure shall be retained.
Why should pistol cop be able to snipe?
Why should pistol cop be able to snipe?
It not a sniper, it just have more stopping power and longer range with less damage drop. It accuracy is unpredictable. And how often does officer encounter circumstances that require them to snipe? Majority of time I found myself in CQB or apartment complex. It not like a M24 which can pull out from a range Rover trunk and ready to be fired.
-1 Disagree, situation in this video speaks it all.

Anaconda are only limited to Senior or above already.
I don't see this video meaning anything except the fact you shot the civilian when you easily could've attempted to gunpoint him, then proceeded to miss your second shot then die from somewhere else
I don't see this video meaning anything except the fact you shot the civilian when you easily could've attempted to gunpoint him, then proceeded to miss your second shot then die from somewhere else
Leg was crippled at the time, Duh. He already have his gun out before leaving plus killed two people already making this within reasonable reason for me to use deadly force after telling him to surrender. I didn't die from somewhere else, it my 400 ping gives him peaker advantage. On client side it shows he still behind the van, but in reality he already peaked and killed me giving absolutely zero reaction time.
Leg was crippled at the time, Duh. He already have his gun out before leaving plus killed two people already making this within reasonable reason for me to use deadly force after telling him to surrender. I didn't die from somewhere else, it my 400 ping gives him peaker advantage. On client side it shows he still behind the van, but in reality he already peaked and killed me giving absolutely zero reaction time.
In no part during this entire paragraph did your gun enter the speech, therefore what does this post acknowledge towards the suggestion?
In no part during this entire paragraph did your gun enter the speech, therefore what does this post acknowledge towards the suggestion?
I recommend you read the first few replies I made previously before making any unnecessary comments.

I don't see this video meaning anything except the fact you shot the civilian when you easily could've attempted to gunpoint him, then proceeded to miss your second shot then die from somewhere else
You showed genuine interest in regarding about how I conducted my duty during the situation.
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It not a sniper, it just have more stopping power and longer range with less damage drop. It accuracy is unpredictable. And how often does officer encounter circumstances that require them to snipe? Majority of time I found myself in CQB or apartment complex. It not like a M24 which can pull out from a range Rover trunk and ready to be fired.
From my experience, I found the accuracy of Anaconda may vary, it could be extremely accurate but it can also land few inch away from target. Therefore I highly disagree the suggestion that was provided above and the existing structure shall be retained.
The accuracy of ALL your guns is going to be unpredictable at 400 ping on a server with newly reapparent hitreg issues.
It not a sniper, it just have more stopping power and longer range with less damage drop. It accuracy is unpredictable. And how often does officer encounter circumstances that require them to snipe? Majority of time I found myself in CQB or apartment complex. It not like a M24 which can pull out from a range Rover trunk and ready to be fired.

The anaconda is literally a pocket sniper. It does too much damage for every sweater cop and their dog to be running around with. Every peek and ur eating 5 stims because one of the 6 pistol cops holding a single doorway for the duration of a shootout managed to hit u with it, and god forbid 2 of them have decent aim. It's stupid and unbalanced.
The anaconda is literally a pocket sniper. It does too much damage for every sweater cop and their dog to be running around with. Every peek and ur eating 5 stims because one of the 6 pistol cops holding a single doorway for the duration of a shootout managed to hit u with it, and god forbid 2 of them have decent aim. It's stupid and unbalanced.
But dom...
civ hav ak
i suggest we replace it with the HK45CT!!! @Collier see, if it switches places the majors can have the anaconda and everyone can have the hk45ct

final offer!!!

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