Anime Conversion Camp

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Anime was a mistake - Some pinguin

Welcome to the Anti-Anime Group - Where we take the weeb out of your degenerate son.

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with otakuiosis? You may be entitled for compensation to take part of this camp.
"I condemn anime. I bring against anime fans the most terrible charge any prosecuter has ever uttered. To me it is the extremist unthinkable form of corruption, it has had the will to the ultimate corruption conceivably possible. The anime community has left nothing untouched by it's depravity. It has made of every value a disvalue, of every truth, a lie; of every kind of integrity of values of soul. These are the blessings of anime: parasitism as the soul practise of it's consumers, with it's ideals of greed, sickness, of the "waifu", of draining away all blood, all love, all hope for life. The "waifu" as the will to deny every reality of every kind. The effeminate, often times smug, cartoon avatar as the badge of recognition of the most subterranean conspiracy there has EVER BEEN. A conspiracy against health, beauty, well-constitutedness, bravery, intellect, benevolence of soul: AGAINST LIFE ITSELF. Wherever thou walls I shall inscribe this eternal accusations against anime upon them. I can write in letters that make even the blind see: I call anime the one GREAT CURSE, the one great intrinsic depravity the one great instinct for revenge for which no expedient is sufficiently poisonous. Secret, subterranean, petty. I call it the ONE IMMORTAL BLEMISH OF MAN-KIND. The anime fan's conception of entertainment, anime as entertainment of the sick, cartoons as spider, waifus as spirit, is one of the most corrupt conceptions of the use of free time to arrive out on Earth. Perhaps it even represents the low water-mark of the descending element of the idea of free time? Free time degenerated into the contradiction of productivity and, yea, life itself; instead of being it's transfiguration and determining: "YES!". In anime declaration of hostility towards life, nature, the will to life, provided the formula of every slander of this world for every lie about relationships. In anime nothing is deified, the will to nothing is
sanctified. Anime faggotry, which is at no contact with actuality which crumbles away as soon as actuality comes into it's own, at any point whatever, must naturally be a mortal enemy of the world. What is good? All that heightens the feeling of Testosterone, the will to a gf, the will to do deadlifts itself in man. What is bad? All that proceeds from faggotry, what is happiness? The feeling that Testosterone increases, that faggotry is overcome. Not a anime series, but deadlifts! Not a body pillow at all but a gf! Not an empty back-log but gains"

- black science man


Here at the AAG, we shall only provide the best of care for you, or your loved ones.
97% of scientists agree that individuals obsessed with 'anime', commonly reffered to as Otakus, weebs, weaboos etc.,
are a considerable threat to society and the functioning of it. The ability, or lack therof of such invidual to contribute to society is staggering.
According to a recent study, conducted by Harvard in 2019, more than 68% of indivuals are currently living of social benefits.


The intense therapy sessions, and friendly and modern enviornment makes AAG one of the best locations for intense anime conversion therapy,
as proven by Pernassia Group, the NHS, Obamacare and even George Soros!

While we tailor each and every room to one individuals needs, our rooms generally accord to this standard appeal.
The room is spacious, there are many books available(With intellectual classics such as: Why masculinity isn't nessarily a bad thing, How to become a CHAD
and not to forget: Anime - We made a fucking mistake by renouned writer Hideo Kojima)
Power tools and building materials are provided, aswell as lawn mowing equipment and a computer.
Network access is limited, however access to movies such as: "John wick" "Die Hard" "Scarface" and "The Terminator" is available.

Unfortunately, it would not be ethical and logical to provide a way of listening to music in each room.
Every day for a minimum of 6 hours music shall be played over the PA speakers.
This will generally be of the following artists, though this is subject to change at any time:
"AC/DC, Scorpions, ZZ Top, Billy Idol, Dead or Alive, Rainbow et all"
A full list of what is available on site, can be found here


We promise to archieve our goals, and keep our promises. But you don't have to believe us, take it from our customers!


"John Peterson - 49"

I was forced to send my son to AAG, and man am i suprised.
I caught him several times watching some weird dogs fucking eachother, and he was impersonating
these very high pitched screams. I honestly thaught he was gay; but thank god he was only just a weaboo.
AAG changed my son completely, he managed to repair my 1970 Dodge Challenger, something i always wished we could do together!
He also now has a job at a local home depot, and he mows my lawn!


Shut yo skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan Indiana jones overgrown flint stone x and y chromosome friend stone Sylvester Stallone Sierra Leone autozone profesionally seen silver patrone ling long suck my ding dong headass pubg fortnite flip phone remote control autism Down syndrome stage 4 terminal brain cancer o Reilly auto parts silver bronze ash amiibo UV light pen sushi ramen Harrison Ford gamer bitch ass virgin lamp thermometer lean mean string bean Charlie sheen limousine canteen trampoline serpentine Wolverine sunscreen submarine unclean nectarine defected gene skull trooper for Halloween broken spleen smokescreen James dean putting green tiny peen anti vaccine aquamarine Eugene extra green nicotine Vaseline jelly bean magazine protein lightning McQueen vending machine whachu mean ocean man by ween headass the fuck up bitch
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Holy fucking shit. I want to bang Zero Two so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Any time there’s a scene with Zero Two, I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Zero Two. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Zero Two’s tight dino pussy. God I wish I was Hiro because I fucking know for a fact that Zero Two drains his balls daily. I want her to suck all of my humanity out and ride me to death. Anyways, do you guys relate to this?
Do you take referrals? I know some individuals who I fear may have been brainwashed. I heard they yiff and clop together
What a dog shit episode. Game of Thrones is officially cancelled they nailed the dragon from the Iron Fleet, nailed the dragon mid air first shot and seemingly millions of these scorpions that shoot these arrows and they all miss. YEET, YEET, ha you can't hit me writers by the way, writers by the way. Don't touch Missandei do not touch her. Cersei kills the bitch on the spot, Tyrion crying, Daenerys pfft PHHFFFF FFFHHH PHHFHH dun nuh nun nun nun. Next episode bllpttt, everything bllpttt. Euron miraculously lives the only one to live, comes out of the fucking water like the loch ness monster HOOWWW. Then Daenerys going crazy, ok they've been talking about Daenerys going crazy for a long time, it's been common right fuck you mean, she's fine CKCKCKCKK. we've taken the city WWEEEEE HA HA, the greatest time of our lives, Missandei is dead and Cersei is right in front of me PHHFFFF FFFHHH PHHFHH FFFHHH PHHFHH What do I do? Nah fuck Cercei what do I do? I go for this 12 year old over here CRRRKKKKKK CRRRKKKKKK WHAT! Cercei right in front of me CRRRKKKKKK some little kid CRRRKKKKKK, a woman running CRRRKKKKKK uh CRRRKKKKKK CRRRKKKKKK CRRRKKKKKKkkk. Honestly, why are you so angry that they killed Missandei that you gotta kill all these children and women. How good of a friend could she be? She rub your feet? She make you lattes? What the fuck did she do for you? Missandei comes in with the fucking sauce goes HHDDHHATHHEDHDD and then you're like AAHWWOOOO I have to kill everybody because they killed my friend. Bitch thinks she's thanos, kills half the population because my friend. What the fuck are you doing? And then for 5 years FOR 5 FUCKING YEARS Arya Stark is running like a olympic here. They are booking it through the city and the second she gets there, shes just on the ground BBLLEEAHHH, getting trampled on. She's dying, but of course she lives. And while all of this is going on Daenerys is in the sky CRRRKKKKKKkkkKKKCC killing all the prepubescent children, all the toddlers, all the women and children CRRRKKKKKKkkk. Jaime got stabbed in the fucking stomach and he had- it was close to Cercei then fucking Daenerys. Game of Thrones who the fuck is writing your shit, honestly, your script is worse than my camera quality ok, STOP.
Certainly! We have a special gas chamber therapy group for 'Furries'
Local and federal regulations currently restrict the ability for us to create a concentration camp; though that shall soon change.
Dear S. Bert,

Thank you for the inventation. The AAG is pleased we can work together to stop this plague help the people in need.

AAG Reichsfuhrer
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