Ok, hello all. Most of you by now will know that i am a pretty big anime fan along with lodes of other community members. Its a good form of entertainment just like other things such as TV shows ect.
There has been a big debate/change in the anime industry that has been rising recently. The change is that Netflix is now trying to cater to more anime shows to get fans to buy Netflix and watch the shows. At first they grabbed up very popular titles but are now introducing Netflix original anime shows.
This wouldn't be such a big deal if it didn't change the industry massively. At the moment and for the years before animation companies have often struggled with crippling budgets and tight schedules that allow very little creative freedom. This has made the slice of life shit we have a lot today very popular since its what sells in japan. Along with this companies are mostly forced to sell merch along with the show to make ends meet.
But now with Netflix jumping on it has changed, they allow for huge budgets and unlimited time to do on the shows since they do not realise weekly but instead realise an entire series at a time. This means that animators get paid more for the shows they do and feel lots of freedom to express themselves in great shows.
I personally am very exited for this change and see great new shows coming out soon that are very high quality. Eventually, if this continues companies will have no reason to keep there media on platforms like crunchyroll since they will earn so much more and get alot of freedom making a show for Netflix.
More animes per season > Higher quality shows > Better paid animators making the job more desirable in japan > More consumers due to the high quality.
The best example is this seasons show violet evergarden, which is already one of the top rated shows this season. The animation and story are beautiful and it really shows what Netflix animes can do.
So i pass it on to you, after reading/watching this whats your opinion?
if you dont like reading, watching this video sums it up the same way:
There has been a big debate/change in the anime industry that has been rising recently. The change is that Netflix is now trying to cater to more anime shows to get fans to buy Netflix and watch the shows. At first they grabbed up very popular titles but are now introducing Netflix original anime shows.
This wouldn't be such a big deal if it didn't change the industry massively. At the moment and for the years before animation companies have often struggled with crippling budgets and tight schedules that allow very little creative freedom. This has made the slice of life shit we have a lot today very popular since its what sells in japan. Along with this companies are mostly forced to sell merch along with the show to make ends meet.
But now with Netflix jumping on it has changed, they allow for huge budgets and unlimited time to do on the shows since they do not realise weekly but instead realise an entire series at a time. This means that animators get paid more for the shows they do and feel lots of freedom to express themselves in great shows.
I personally am very exited for this change and see great new shows coming out soon that are very high quality. Eventually, if this continues companies will have no reason to keep there media on platforms like crunchyroll since they will earn so much more and get alot of freedom making a show for Netflix.
More animes per season > Higher quality shows > Better paid animators making the job more desirable in japan > More consumers due to the high quality.
The best example is this seasons show violet evergarden, which is already one of the top rated shows this season. The animation and story are beautiful and it really shows what Netflix animes can do.

So i pass it on to you, after reading/watching this whats your opinion?
if you dont like reading, watching this video sums it up the same way: