Any advice?

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My hopes:
As you guys may already know I have made a return to the server with a better mindset than before. I am avoiding getting into controversy as much as possible and I want to improve my currently terrible reputation. I believe I have actually made remarkable progress already compared to my previous state as a user in this community with my only hope in regards to this matter being improvement beyond what I currently am at then beyond.

Now for the purpose of this post, I have been in the city hanging around playing with many groups on my own without an org for a good bit of time now (about 2 weeks). Knowing this I assume some may see this post and to those people who have interacted with the me during that time or to those who haven't but have any helpful thoughts they would like to share, Do you have any advice?
You’re doing fine Malek, I have noticed a huge difference and I like that a lot. You swiftly realised that either you change your attitude or you’ll just have people on your ass throughout your time here and that’s great. I think you should keep doing what you’re doing now but obviously you could just try to join an org too
You’re doing fine Malek, I have noticed a huge difference and I like that a lot. You swiftly realised that either you change your attitude or you’ll just have people on your ass throughout your time here and that’s great. I think you should keep doing what you’re doing now but obviously you could just try to join an org too
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