Any recommened good games to play?

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United Kingdom
So, after my recent demotion and how school's started back up; both of which making up my reduced activity for the time being (and the fact it's probably a good thing to be not as active for now), I've been playing on some of the other games in my Steam library to fill the void in my free time and I've also been looking for some new games to buy but I'm unsure what to actually buy and play.

So, after Googling for any good games to play but not really finding anything of interest, so I'm now turning to you guys to see if you have any good games you could recommend so if you got any, feel free to drop a reply :)

I would reccomend L.A Noire, with the additional DLC story's it costs roughly 15 quid and it is really fun.
[DOUBLEPOST=1505592284,1505592215][/DOUBLEPOST]I forgot Knights of the Old Republic. Knights of The Old Republic 2 if you are feelin frisky.
Depending on your taste in games, I can recommend a few:

Company of Heroes 1 (2 is shit)
Total War: Shogun 2
Rainbow 6 Siege
For Honor (Come play with me, @Niko, @GraveDinosaur and @Xquality ;) )
Ghost Recon Wildlands
Mount&Blade: Warband (Although I recommend you wait for Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord instead)

All of which are multiplayer and I'll be willing to play ;)
Cities: Skylines is good if your into a city building game you can get it for around 12 Dollars here I America over on G2A.

A great RTS title is Men At War Assault Squad 2 will set you back around 30 dollars unless you buy it through G2A or a steam sale. It's a good World War 2 RTS title that has tons of modding capability and offers hundreds of hours of playtime including around 30 missions for each major faction in world war 2 feauturing a few major battles and some smaller ones. There is also some great mods that add campaigns for factions like Greece and the ANZAC forces.

Another great game if you have a decent computer I would say GTX 950 or higher aswell as atleast 8GBS of ram is ARK, offers good play time and it never really get boring. Had good modding capability and is really simple to mod. Fun solo or with a group of friends will set you back 60 dollars or like 45 of that funky ass British currency unless you buy from G2A which would cut it by 15 dollars.
It honestly depends what type of games you like, if you're a strategy guy then the Civilization collection is amazing.
If you like a MMO Third person shooter game; APB
If you like customizing cars and just driving around; Forza Horizon 3
If you like a simulator game for cars; Project Cars 2 (not sure if its out yet)
If you like board games; Tabletop Simulator
If you like absolute mayhem with battle royale game; PUBG
If you like a good shooter game where you need to concentrate and make strategies/play seriously to get good at the game; R6S (even if @Nade is quite shit at it it looks like he enjoys it so don't worry if you're bad)
If you like to roleplay more but outside of the limits from GMod; Arma 3
sigh @Creepis gotta do this shit again
if you're into story games . . .

OneShot One of the best, story rich, underrated games that will emotionally attach you to the characters.

OneShot is a surreal top down Puzzle/Adventure game with unique gameplay capabilities. You are to guide a child through a mysterious world on a mission to restore its long-dead sun. The world knows you exist. You are basically a "Messiah" And you, the player, are their god. This game breaks the 4th wall and you can kind of relate it to Undertale, because the game knows who you are. It has overwhelmingly positive reviews. The problem is that not too many people know about it's existence and it's a shame to let a game like that be forgotten. I recommend you try it and get the ending everyone wants. It's on Steam for 10 dollars. You will NOT regret it.

OneShot is an unsung gem that has not received even a minute fraction of the attention it deserves - it's one of the most fun and novel games you can get on steam. The worst part of the game, however, is that explaining what makes it so good will instantly ruin those elements for anyone who's interested. You cannot watch OneShot, you just have to take a plunge and buy it.

note from me: this game breaks the 4th wall and will kill you with emotions, but its a damn good game

and then we got

Indebted to the wrong people, with his life on the line, veteran of the U.S. Cavalry and now hired gun, Booker DeWitt has only one opportunity to wipe his slate clean. He must rescue Elizabeth, a mysterious girl imprisoned since childhood and locked up in the flying city of Columbia.

note from me: this game is a COMPLETE MINDFUCK and is so damn good, it got 75 awards for a reason

and if you're into a shooter game


Experience a captivating single player story. Titanfall™ 2 features a single player campaign packed with action and inventive twists. Play as a Militia rifleman stranded behind enemy lines, who encounters a veteran Vanguard-class Titan. The two must work together to uphold a mission they were never meant to carry out.

Call down your Titan and get ready for an exhilarating first-person shooter experience in Titanfall™ 2! The sequel introduces a new single player campaign that explores the bond between Pilot and Titan. Or blast your way through an even more innovative and intense multiplayer experience - featuring 6 new Titans, deadly new Pilot abilities, expanded customization, new maps, modes, and much more.

note from me: over years of playing shooter campaigns, T2 has to be the damn best one, along with MW2 ofcourse.
Also for the MP; every game is intense and fast-paced, which is fun.

Keep in mind; these 3 games got amazing reviews.
Get Rainbow Six Siege. It's got a learning curve to it but I'll help you, I'm sure other members of the community would help too.
*COUGH* @MachineGunO *COUGH*
If you get into one of the good RP servers
it's literally a cheaper version than squad , trust me... A bit aids but you know.
Tower Unite is an amazing game if you remember Gmod Tower. It has a main plaza, loads of mini-games, casinos, coins, and basically a re-make of gmod tower. It's also really fun to play with friends.

If you're gonna buy it, I'll play it with you.
Rainbow Six Siege if you like sweaty shooters.
Tom Clancys The Division if you are into RPG games.
Battlefield games if you like intense and fun open battle games.
The Universim, You get to play god.