Any Resident Evil Gamers?

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I was wondering if anyone here has indulged in the Resident Evil games enough to recommend some games to me. Capcom is currently having a steam sale so pretty much the whole RE franchise is on sale.

I need help choosing games, I’m currently looking at Resident Evil 4, and Resident Evil Village. However, I’ve never played a Resident Evil game before, and I know little about the story, all I know is that Umbrella Corp is like Dr. Fauci, just causing worldwide problems with bio-weapons.

Will I have trouble if I start on 4? I also looked at 2 and 3, but apparently the 3rd game is like 3-4 hours long? For its price point, im not considering buying it for just a few hours of gameplay although I did want to see some action from the Nemesis because of whatever interesting stuff I may know about him/it/they/them from Dead By Daylight.

Tl;dr What Resident Evil games do I buy if I have never played the franchise?

Would appreciate any and all help
Resident evil 1 is the , highly recommend the remake.

Resident evil 2 is second best, more action orientated.

3 is fine, a little too dodgy / action packed but that's fine.

4 is a masterpiece, but I would still start with resident evil 1.

5 is great after all of those, a little different than resident evils 1-4, so I would get that last.

Don't get 6.

For lore sake, I say at least start with #1. #4 will catch you up to speed but it's not the same. Resident evil is a survival horror, #1 is a survival horror in its originality.
Resident evil 1 is the , highly recommend the remake.

Resident evil 2 is second best, more action orientated.

3 is fine, a little too dodgy / action packed but that's fine.

4 is a masterpiece, but I would still start with resident evil 1.

5 is great after all of those, a little different than resident evils 1-4, so I would get that last.

Don't get 6.

For lore sake, I say at least start with #1. #4 will catch you up to speed but it's not the same. Resident evil is a survival horror, #1 is a survival horror in its originality.

Thank you this was very insightful, you didn’t mention anything about #8/Village, did you not play it?
I've just bought these 3, and will go ahead and buy #4, village, and maybe 7 on my alt account
