Apologies to the whole PerpHeads staff team!

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @azerd
How long were you banned for: 1 year

Your Steam Name
: HeadHunter -獵-
Your In-game Name: Liam Garcia
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:106547501

Why were you banned/blacklisted: 1.1 - Extremely toxic, complete inability to treat others with respect despite being given numerous chances.
Why should this appeal be considered:
Hello dear PerpHeads team you all know me I am a very well known Toxic player on your server and I know that I openly admit that I am very Toxic and say really bad things to other players that I regret afterwards but unfortunately you can't undo that most of the time I would like to apologize first to @Pugga that I said to him after I lost all my money "I hope your family dies" I know that you don't want to hear such things / be told such things I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart but I just got mad but still it's no reason to say something like that I hope you can forgive me here one last time otherwise I want to apologize to @azerd @A1L @THE SPOOK @Clarky and of course @Blackdown that I failed and didn't listen to your instructions that I should stop this whole thing because this kind of thing doesn't belong in the community and just thank you for everything you did to me in the last time I am really grateful to you. @Blackdown I want to thank you for helping me against the players who bullied me on the server and you punished them for it thank you for everything <3 @THE SPOOK I want to thank you the most you were always there for me in the last time you helped me everyone asked how I was doing I also confided in you private things about my family/friends etc thank you for everything you made possible for me and I'm sorry that I disappointed you. @Clarky and @A1L I would also like to thank you that you have always helped me and @Clarky we did not have an easy time together but it has improved and I am very proud that we have cleared that @A1L thank you that you have always been nice to me me rules explained etc thank you for all this. Now I come to you @azerd I am very sorry that you had to witness this day how I insulted the @Pugga from the deepest and I know that I have not said something like that the first time I would like to apologize to all people for my actions on the server what I said to you I am really sorry and I hope you can give me another chance I have talked with other team members about my actions more often mostly also with @THE SPOOK I have realized in my head that if someone else would say this to me i would be very sad because already many of my family members died in the corona time my life is not easy right now and i just take out this pain on your server for that i apologize from the bottom of my heart but if you would unban me now again i would also prove to you this time who really is the person @zeus. and there i swear on my whole family i hope the PerpHeads- Staff team forgives me one last time and I prove you who I am.

Best Regards
zeus | Liam Garcia

Additional Comment(s): This 1 year ban has opened my eyes and what I wrote above I mean 100% seriously.
Reaction score
Great Britain

You're sorry every time. Your actions have consequences and this time you need to actually feel them.
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