Aquaa's Comm Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Ethan @Collier @blackdown
How long were you banned for: Perm
Your Steam Name: aquaa
Your In-game Name: Anakin Percious-House (I think)

Why were you banned/blacklisted: I was banned for a repeated violation of basic conduct rules, specifically 1.1 and 1.4 I believe.

Why should this appeal be considered: This appeal should be considered because after taking a few months I think I've had enough time to realize that I was causing problems and honestly just being an asshole. With this realization, I've also come to find remorse for the things I've said. Initially, it was me saying things that were protecting of an ex-community member that had extremely serious allegations thrown at him for something very serious that I had refused to believe. After this I believe I was shout-box banned and then Fredy personally reached out to me over discord and we had an extremely long conversation spanning over an hour through text explaining everything and I realized that I had some sort of friendship bias making me arrogant to the evidence being presented to me. This also made me realize how the person who was victim (Probably better to keep it private) to this individual must have felt with my friends and me throwing the allegations outside the window. I invited said victim and Fredy to my discord and gathered everyone where there was a long conversation explaining everything to rationalize the calamity that was going through everyones minds.

Following this, (probably a few days or something, I don't remember) a staff member had been demoted and I had previously attacked him for not knowing how to do his job because I received what I believed to be a petty warning. After their demotion, I commented :troll: emojis on their profile and I now realize why it can be interpreted as me trying to piss him off and get a reaction. I don't know if he's okay with being tagged, but if you're reading this, I apologize for attacking you.

All in all, I'm honestly not a toxic individual and I was completely shocked when I had received the PM saying I was completely banned from any kind of communication within the server. For everyone that knows me personally, they can whole-heartedly vouch that im a very respectful person. However, sometimes I just let my feelings get the best of me and I'm sorry for everyone who might've been hurt by this.

I don't really have any kind of significant history with being disrespectful minus these incidents on the forum. I know some might bring up my CWB because I was labeled a "Racist and Homophobe" which I still to this day think is completely absurd. I have never GENUINELY thought of someone as less of a human because of their race, sexuality, etc. This wasn't that relevant to this ban but I wanted to bring it up just in case someone made the argument. I've been an extremely long-standing member of this community and I'd like this chance to re-assimilate myself in order to uphold myself with the reputation I've developed over the last wonderful 6+ years that I've been a part of this community.

Additional Comment(s): thanks for reading

We have not witnessed anything to believe your behaviour has changed. If you are able to be more active on forums and in-game and prove to us that your attitude and behaviour has actually improved, we will be more inclined to lift your communication ban.​
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