Ban Apology (Aquaa)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: flyergremlin
Your Roleplay Name: John Keeth
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19109781

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.2 - Metagaming

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hi there, firstly I'd like to sincerely apologize for the actions I've done. I've not been in city rp for too long and I'm still getting used to the rules. However, metagaming is a rule I am aware of. What I have done is metagaming and I do admit to it. I know that what I have done isn't realistic and should've been done in-game via the in-game options like teamspeak or on the phone. I really enjoy this server and I am not the type of person that breaks rules. I often learn from my mistakes and I'd really appreciate if I could be given one more chance to prove I have learnt my lesson. I know that from now on, all communications must be done through the in-game services as it may ruin the roleplay experience for others. Once again I'd like to sincerely apologize for my actions and I believe I learnt my lesson and this will not be repeated again. I've read over the rules and made sure I familiarized myself with what is and isn't permitted on this server. My actions were reckless and I shouldn't have spoken through Discord to my other org mates. I had a feeling what I did was wrong and whatever you do always comes back to you and this ban proves that theory. Please take my apology into consideration and give me one more chance to prove myself that I have learnt my lesson and will not repeat this ever again. Thank you and have a nice day or night.

Additional Information: I've seen screenshots of what I have done and I completely agree with the moderators accusation of me metagaming, it is clear and clearly shows me communicating via Discord, which is completely wrong and I shouldn't have done so. (Me and Aquaa spoke on Discord where he provided me with the SS of me metagaming and explaining the rule to me so that I know what I broke)
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Reaction score

While I appreciate your apology, it is too early to consider unbanning you at this point in time. I'd give it another few weeks before trying again so that you experience some actual setback from violating server rules. Thank you for the apology.
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