AR Against PD and Random kid(2)

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Look, I don't care about getting the people in trouble, I just want my beretta and P226 refunded T_T
If you want your items refunded, please post a AR using the following format:

Your Steam/In-game Name:
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Evidence (Demo Required):

After you post a AR using the following format with sufficient evidence showing someone was in the wrong, a staff member will read the AR and view the evidence and determine whether or not your AR should be accepted. If your AR is accepted, you then have to make a Refund Request, explaining how the rule breakage resulted in you losing the weapons, and proof that it did actually result in you losing the weapons. After that, the (probably same) staff member will view the RR and determine whether or not to give you the weapons back. Sadly for you, the only way your going to get your items back are going to have to result in someone getting in trouble.

Posted this here because wouldn't fit in the comments, pls no warn.​
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You won't be able to make a refund request I am afraid, well you can, it just won't be accepted. What we needed in your AR was the initiators reasoning behind the raid, however we don't have that person to ask and therefore do not know if the raid is invalid.

If you lost your weapon in the mug, however, feel free to make an RR.
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