AR - As referred by staff

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Motivate
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: DJ DONALD TRUMP/Sam Ireland
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23910660
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5
Evidence (Demo Required):
I already apologized to you for this, as I was fucking around and didn't expect you to care as much. Sorry.
Usually this stuff does not annoy me, unless I am actually doing something. I was going to craft.
Considering you called me retard 5 times in OOC in one session a few days prior to this caused the situation to be a bit more serious.
I called u an idiot previously because you were consistently trying to argue a point that IMO is stupid and you made me angry, I apologized for that too

I understand that u might have been busy, but I apologized, called you a medic and gave your gun back, I don't know what more I could have done at that point.
I understand that I shouldn't have punched you, I was just bored and thought u probably wouldn't mind as we're relatively cool except for when u say stuff in OOC that gets on my nerves.
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Since steps were made in order to make up for his actions, Sam won't be given a formal punishment.
@Samsterminator you know what is and what is not allowed, don't repeat your actions please.

Reviewed with @blobvis 2.0
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