AR Chris Harper

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee/Chopper

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @D3luX / Chris Harper

His/Her SteamID
: STEAM_0:1:25015916

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

3.4- This player thought it would be a good idea to "Shoot in the air" for no reason while the police where near by, he then took a few shots at the officers before fleeing to the clothing store. Instead of escaping he took yet another shot which gave his location away and it resulted in his death. This could have been avoided if the player didn't break 3.4 and start shooting for no reason.

D3lux has alot of bans for 3.4 and just came back from a 3 month ban(Was originally 6 months). He has at least 5 bans for 3.4 and has 16 bans all in all, you would have thought he had enough time to read over the rules before joining back.

"My recent behavior within the community have been unacceptable and nonetheless also extremely embarrassing for myself. I feel that I’ve been acting immature with a lack of respect for the community; but I’ve also learned that my bad behavior is far from appreciated and for the future I’ll promise a more determined roleplayer who will know the rules to an extent where of I can stick by them."
Clearly nothing has changed!!!

Evidence (Demo Required)

Tick: N/A

EDIT: @D3luX
It might have started out as a bit of banter with XQ but this was about a good 10 mins after he left. You continued to fool around at the bazaar when there were still a lot of people on, There was still a strong police presence on the server and shooting your gun at bazaar is not the best idea. You then turned a ticket into a 10 yr sentence by shooting at the officers and then you ultimately died because of your actions. You took things way too far and you need to recognize that. There is a time and a place and that was neither. You dragged the cops into the situation and you pretty much tried to RDM them, they were not aware of what was going on and to tell the truth the server was way to populated to be having that sort of "banter" in the middle of bazaar.
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What i recall from this it was late night, not Manu People's om and complete banter. I were even not the one doing what i did. Everyone was shooting for fun, and cops already been there and did nothing, they even did some banter themself. We were just having a bit fun a late night.

I was even warranted, but nothing happened.

Even though it was banter, i was still warranted, and wouldnt be standing still when the officer ran towards us, so i ran away. But i had an warrant on me.

I know its not an excuse of my actions it were banter, the people was in on it themself. It was not to cause any harm or anything as i just returned. Everyone was having fun and doing a bit banter.
Here is an example of an AR on someone who did banter, but din't get an punishment.
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Banter should not be happening if it is going to affect another players experience. Not everyone is on the server for banter late at night, and you need to consider your actions before going through with them.

D3lux will be punished for his actions.
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