AR guidelines.

Reaction score
I didn't know where to post this so I posted it here.

Short explanation
(in notes):
- Adding/changing some words to the AR guideline.
Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Many people prefer not to upload a demo but upload a youtube video having just the part they would like in it. This is against the guideline for the AR but as it is ok in most cases I would like there to be an edit at the post.
If you read the post that's here: you will find at one point the following lines: "
  • It's fine to upload a youtube video and/or screenshots however if you chose to do this it is also necessary that you provide a link to the demo of the incident."
My version of it: "
  • It's fine to upload a youtube video of the demo having voice_loopback 1 in the console first and/or screenshots. However if you choose to do this you are obliged to provide a link to the demo of the incident upon an administrative request."
The voice_loopback 1 being written in the console will make us hear what the demo guy's character says in his microphone and will most likely get him to avoid uploading a demo. And the edit being ok to have just a video/screenshots should be added as many people just avoid the part of the necessity of the demo. It also is ok to upload just the above as in most cases a demo isn't needed. Being obliged to upload the demo upon being asked by a staff member is also necessary as people will just go "We need a demo as well!" having no idea what they are talking about. If there is something missing from the screenshots/videos, a mod/admin can just request a demo.

(If the voice loopback doesn't work then forget that part)

Also add this to the guides:"
  • The AR needs to be made in less than 1 week after the rule-breakage has occurred."
Can't really explain why this should be added but I think it would be fair to avoid situations where someone blackmails another person for it (or something, I don't know).

Edit this as well from:
"When submitting a Action Request we ask that you follow these guidelines, this will make the whole process easier for everyone involved:"
"When submitting a Action Request we ask that you follow these guidelines, this will make the whole process easier for everyone involved and will avoid the chance of your AR being closed:"
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While its obviously a good idea to have, many people (including myself) absolutely despise hearing their own voices and sometimes it can be quite loud; especially if you're trying to converse with someone and all you can hear is the sound of your own voice.
I allow people to post a video without a demo as if I feel that something has to be looked into further I will ask for the full demo, if not then I will either deny the action request or accept my gut feeling and for example give the creator a warning for the things I wanted to look into. However I would still like the guidelines to kinda stay the way they are as people will be forced in the end to keep their demo and nor throw it away.
I personally had voice_loopback 1 on for months but have disabled it recently. While it's nice to hear your own voice in demos it can get really weird for you to speak even properly anymore because you keep on hearing yourself (atleast this was the case for me, people mentioned and asked why I kept pausing mid sentences, now you know why). Now, when we need the voice of you(rself), the other person involved in the incident/AR can just upload his perspective so we can all hear what you said which is easy enough to do.

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