Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.4 numerous times, got involved in a shootout over giving someone a ticket. Ran onto the highway while cuffed saying "I hope a car runs me over".
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
0.28-0.30 = Getting involved in a shooting and not drawing a gun out, this causes him to get caught in crossfire and get shot.
0.50-0.52 Accused me of stalling which did not happen.
This is what caused the gun shooting, a ticket. So 3.4.
Finally last video
Running onto the highway wanted to get ran over on purpose
I was involved in the first video, from my p.o.v an officer was shooting at one of our org members because of this me and @idomz decided to help our org member and sneak up on the officer as he's bandaging himself i gunpoint him and when he finishes for some reason starts walking backwards sround the car and away from us. From the video you can see he intended to pull his sidearm. Because we thought he was stalling Ido shot him. He had already seen 3 of us and could charge us with:
John Edmundson @Sonzy : Physical Assult with a deadly Weapon.
Ido: Aiding and abbetting, threat of physical harm and probably chuck some unlawful detainment in there.
Me: Aiding and abbetting, threat of physical harm and probably chuck some unlawful detainment in there aswell.
Firstly we started the shootout because you shot a friend of ours and you also shot me but that was caused by crossfire so I'm not going to get touchy with that. Anyway after me and Ceri GP you as you can see in the vid you still didn't bandage me and backed away. Also I did not run on the intersection as you can see in the vid I was in the begging of the intersection but didn't get to the intersection. You can clearly see in the video that when CeriEdwards was pointing his shotgun at you, you kept backing away which is stalling. I believe @GraveDinosaur was involved in a sit regarding this situation.
I don't see how I broke 3.4 because there was a clear reason to why I shot you.
I am also going to post an AR regarding this as you broke several rules in this RP situation but I didn't get to that yet as I didn't have time.
It also seems like GAAAA is trying to find all the evidence and all the times I broke rules and is obviously intending to try and get me in trouble in every way he possibly can because he is mad he broke the rules and that I one banged him
The user will receive a ban for running onto the highway and attempting to get run over to avoid punishment and running across an active crime scene without a weapon in hand or seeming to be involved.