ar issues

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I am by no means active on the server or forums as I used to but I try and hop by from time to time, and so far I've only been seeing ARs followed by counter ARs which should not be made.
I do not play on the server as often as I used to but I want to address my opinion since I find it disgusting.

If you get killed as a cop while the other user was playing realistically you should never make an AR, who cares if its a minor ticket or the reason is stupid
If you do make an AR you're straight up pathetic in my opinion, you literally spent ~10 minutes of your fucking time on a trivial roleplay thing in a situation where you lost nothing.

If you're not a cop and you lost no valuable items as a civ don't make an AR.
You got shanked with a knife? You lost 5 minutes of gameplay and you make an AR for 2.5, you're pathetic.

If you are any government job and you get killed on duty by a civilian for whatever reason (provided its realistic), you shouldn't care if its 2.5 or whatever, just continue on with your day and raid them as a civilian if you're that salty.


I also spoke to some of my friends at steam and apparently this is frequently happening.
You should report any rulebreaks, but this is roleplay stop making everything so scrict, have fun at your own expense and let others have fun too.

if someone jumps off a fucking bridge or breaks 3.6 by jumping into a fire or commits suicide and you make an AR you're pathetic.

Let them kill you who cares, lose a gun or two, you can get it back.

stop being salty stuck up fuck when you get killed AND you end up not losing anything lol

this is my opinion

I am by no means saying you should allow someone to kill you over and over and ruin your experience, nor do I support someone breaking the rules to negatively impact others and minge.

If you did understand this thread this way, you're either :tuna: or :tuna:.

The whole point I'm trying to make is if someone is mingy and negatively impacts experiences of multiple people by breaking certain rules such as 2.5, you should by all means report him.
But, if someone is trying to have fun and make your experience more interesting or atleast make others experience more enjoyable, even at -sometimes- your expense, for example going rogue as a mayor while you're hunting them down as a cop, you should not make an AR or a report.

But for gods sake if someone is having a banter with their friends do not report them for 3.4 or whatever; if someone starts a persuit over a traffic ticket and manages to escape don't make a fucking AR, you had fun. If someone starts a shootout for minor reasons while you're a cop and you get killed, let it happen and let cops have fun. If you get killed as a cop (while the other user broke 2.5 on you) and that starts a chain reaction of other cops hunting down those said civs, let it happen at your own expense, your cop buddies are gonna have fun at the expense of 5 minutes of your time.

No, I am not saying you should enjoy getting killed over and over as a government employee, I'm trying to say that you can break the boundaries of normal roleplay and loosen up a little.
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We could all band together and hunt people down who make ARs that way they can’t ban us all.

imagine literally telling people not to follow the rules smh
2.6 Reporting a Rule-Breaker
If it is believed that another player has broken a rule, the ‘/report’ function is expected to be used to inform an Administrator.

tbh i don't care what you think i am
i'd prefer having an actually enjoyable RP experience over going "ok whatever" and just let myself be killed because someone didn't want a $500 ticket
Tbh, there's a point where F6 should be used. If someone broke a rule, but only to create fun for those around him, let the person be. If they broke it unknowingly, let them know where they went wrong instead of trying to sodomize them with warns and bans. If they did it intentionally to minge, F6 is the only good option.
imagine literally telling people not to follow the rules smh

tbh i don't care what you think i am
i'd prefer having an actually enjoyable RP experience over going "ok whatever" and just let myself be killed because someone didn't want a $500 ticket

Friend, with that logic you can make a report every 2 minutes in PERPheads, as someone is bound to break character, slander, be disrespectful in looc/ooc, accidentally or willingly use a name they shouldn't know in their new life, etc.

If you find joy and what makes it a fun experience for you is to get someone banned over some banter and 5 minutes of your time, I won't stop you.

@Stomper let the hunt begin
Friend, with that logic you can make a report every 2 minutes in PERPheads, as someone is bound to break character, slander, be disrespectful in looc/ooc, accidentally or willingly use a name they shouldn't know in their new life, etc.

If you find joy and what makes it a fun experience for you is to get someone banned over some banter and 5 minutes of your time, I won't stop you.

No, I find joy in having an enjoyable experience between two people in a role-playing situation. You know, the kind of experience people come to a role-playing server for. Not to have someone value their own experience over mine. It's fucking ridiculous that you'd actually ignore one of the biggest parts of playing essentially any type of game: The experience.

Rules are here to make it an enjoyable experience, not your personal playground where you can shit on other people's experience because they "lost nothing of value".

You also seem too focused on me quoting the rule, and ignoring the actually important part of what I said: I want to have an enjoyable experience while playing.
No, I find joy in having an enjoyable experience between two people in a role-playing situation. You know, the kind of experience people come to a role-playing server for. Not to have someone value their own experience over mine. It's fucking ridiculous that you'd actually ignore one of the biggest parts of playing essentially any type of game: The experience.

Rules are here to make it an enjoyable experience, not your personal playground where you can shit on other people's experience because they "lost nothing of value".

You also seem too focused on me quoting the rule, and ignoring the actually important part of what I said: I want to have an enjoyable experience while playing.

Niko no one actually rolesplays anymore just look at the organizations it’s more like rust clans. We need roleplay organizations like the German Mafia and even the Jewlinsky Family would be better than the shit they have now so what your saying is dead. All people care about now on perp is how good they can shoot and that their the number one mlg epic gamer dude.
Not like it has been this way for the past 2-3 years...

people have always taken grudges against each other outside of the game and try to find the smallest shit to ruin someone's time.
Are you telling us we should allow people to kill any government official at any time because they want to?
people should make ARs for whatever they want, they always have and that's the point.

the responsibility for what happens afterwards lies with staff.

you wanna ban @Ethan for something that a couple of mods decided wasn't breaking the rules? go for it but you're doing more damage than good there lmao