PERP ARs and Reports

Reaction score
East Grestin Border Checkpoint
My opinion, these are not the thoughts of the staff team; personal opinion!

Hi guys, I've had a lot of complaints from long standing members of the community (That have now left due to this issue) A lot of people these days make ARs like they're nothing, can you realise what you're doing here; You're taking something away from someone because of something that could be handled ICly. I completely agree if someone is breaking rules they should be punished. But a lot of reports and ARs have malice behind them with the pure intention to remove someone from the game because they raided you, killed you or mistreated you. Don't do this, get even. ARs are an OOC matter, yes you booted them off. But at the end of the day, they won because you had to resort to underhanded tactics to win. If you're one of these people that post ARs to get someone off the server because of a technicality within the rules, you should reconsider your place in PERP. I appreciate you reading this.

TLDR: Only make an AR if it's directly against the rules.
+ Keep it IC.
+ Realise it's only in-game money.
I sent a report out so lets stall this situation.

People who make reports for invalid reasons and stall situations because of them makes me sick. I have always felt sorry for the staff who has to answer these reports when peoole can deal with these kinds of problems themselfs.
In the end its up to the staff member to decide how long they punish someone for. In my opinion if its petty it should a talking to.
I understand this point, however realize it from a players perspective.
As you're a staff member, you can deal with it there and then however we can't. That's why there are many action requests and reports. I know a few people who dislike others and we all do. If your trying to get them 'removed' from the server then personally I believe that it's just the person being salty or something. I, myself do not really have a 'grudge' (apart from one person OOCly who of which I will not name for) to hold on anyone and let them go after talking it out, however in numerous cases this is not really a good way to do that as people argue a lot.

If you have a grudge with someone, or want someone off the server pretty much permanently, think about how you would feel if you had so much hate directed towards you.
Remember; we are all human beings and there is only so much we can handle.
That's where the 'ban' comes in, if you are believed to not be able to take so much at one time, or obviously do something wrong, you need time to 'cool down'. And yes, staff members are human beings who are voluntary work, for them it's like working in a call center.

Again, if you have a grudge against someone start a conversation with them or something like that and see if you guys could 'leave it behind'.

"I can forgive but I will never forget"
Keep that in mind when you talk to someone.
I've been a victim to rule breakers a lot, mostly new and inexperienced players tho. I generally tend to tell thim in LOOC what they did wrong, or take appropriate action IG. I've never made an AR before, because I believe people can better themselves, and that sometimes bans can scare off people to a point where they might not return. I think everyone deserves a 2nd chance, so I don't let people like that bother me, as either they better themselves, just stop playing or actually severely cause damage to an extent, that a ban is issued anyway.