AR - James Husky And unkown person

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Draftking / Mitch Johnsen
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: James Husky
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Demo 1:
The person which i do not know the name of because it doesnt show for me in the demo was propsurfing and pushing cars and people. Husky and the other person both got a burger if im correct putt it in the ongoing bazaar fire and picked it up with their physgun and started pushing people and cars around with it. Even threw one car into the water and started laughing about it. It all happend as soon as all staff were offline. according to the screenshot of our chat today if he doesnt care about rules at 3 am nobody should and everyone should appreciate being pushed around with stuff.

Demo 2: Husky bombed my organisations shop to raid whilst there were around 10 or so people in bazaar, And our door was constantly opening and closing therefor he couldve seen that there was nothing worthy raiding for inside. He then stayed around the scene waited until cops arrived and shot them.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Demo 1:!W4hS2RzK
Demo 2:!XpJUxRRZ
Tick demo 1: 43253
Tick demo 2: 7184
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I was there however I don’t know who the user was unfortunately. Although all Husky did was pushed a car into D3lux, it was Husky’s car and just s bit of banter. I feel the fact he mugged you last night may have fuelled this AR. He is currently on a 6 month ban anyway I feel you should think this through as if it was you and your friends in a basically empty server you’d want to banter about without fear of being reported. I was a victim of this the exact same as you were, I witnessed it. I didn’t make an AR as it wasn’t like we were RPing, we were all just AFK and talking about things OOC and IC.
I was there however I don’t know who the user was unfortunately. Although all Husky did was pushed a car into D3lux, it was Husky’s car and just s bit of banter. I feel the fact he mugged you last night may have fuelled this AR. He is currently on a 6 month ban anyway I feel you should think this through as if it was you and your friends in a basically empty server you’d want to banter about without fear of being reported. I was a victim of this the exact same as you were, I witnessed it. I didn’t make an AR as it wasn’t like we were RPing, we were all just AFK and talking about things OOC and IC.

Just made a list of responses to your comment.

1. The server wasnt basically empty it was actually still pretty full. Not the highlife as for example 10 o clock but there were still a good amount of people still rping.
2. Husky wasnt the guy that was mugging me. It was Nade alardin (If spelled correctly) I didnt even know husky was in that appartment.
3. This was all before the mugging i just dont want to stop playing to make an AR.
4. If i want to banter around with friends i host a sandbox server where i can do the same stuff as they were doing (Proppushing and surfing, Throwing eachother around) And then nobody who didnt ask for it would get interrupted. And you write: ''it wasn’t like we were RPing'' We are on this server to RP.
5. How can you be AFK and talking IC and OOC?
6. Ofcourse you didnt make an ar because you are friends,
Just made a list of responses to your comment.

1. The server wasnt basically empty it was actually still pretty full. Not the highlife as for example 10 o clock but there were still a good amount of people still rping.
2. Husky wasnt the guy that was mugging me. It was Nade alardin (If spelled correctly) I didnt even know husky was in that appartment.
3. This was all before the mugging i just dont want to stop playing to make an AR.
4. If i want to banter around with friends i host a sandbox server where i can do the same stuff as they were doing (Proppushing and surfing, Throwing eachother around) And then nobody who didnt ask for it would get interrupted. And you write: ''it wasn’t like we were RPing'' We are on this server to RP.
5. How can you be AFK and talking IC and OOC?
6. Ofcourse you didnt make an ar because you are friends,
It was 3 in the morning we made up over half of the people on the server so it was dead. Ill take your word that you didn’t know maybe it was my misjudgement. Although I highly doubt you host a sandbox server to banter around for about 5 minutes but sure. Why are you against a couple friends having fun on the server? When I said we were AFK and talking IC and OOC i mean we were sitting doing nothing and tabbed out but occasionally talking. Ill have you know fine sir I report rulebreakers all the time, I was in fact about to make this exact AR sire!!!!!!!
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