AR Jammi2k- Megalolis caught lackin

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The garden
Your Steam/In-game Name: Art/Xavier Brown (I would like to include my niggas too, cause they got affected by this) they were the ones who got killed in the video at th e end
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jammi2k, the homeless dude// ( I don't remember their in-game names)
His/Her SteamID: All the steam IDs of the players involved are in the video.
Why Should This Player Be Punished: For breaking 3.5, etc.
3.5: User (Jammi2k) broke 3.5 ( NLR) killing us on sight in suburbs, while we tried to get food. Minutes earlier the guy was shot up in the gas station by us. When we told him why did he kill us, he stated one of his organization members saw us and that we were minging around and RDMing. [in the video, I try to roam to see where was his org member, the only person I saw was thehomelessdude, at that time he was near the PD and the underpass, how could he possibly see us from there?]

You can also see in the video I was pretty confused in the end, they shot up all my mates and then I try to question them and they give me no response, so I hop out the car and they immediately shoot me and finish me.

Note: Even if jammi2k told him in org chat, how did he (thehomelessdude) know who killed him?

I spilled water on my laptop and I had to move everything and that's why I was AFK.

I lost an M4 with full mag, and my niggas lost their pistols.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Jamal will receive a ban for his breaking NLR.​
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