AR John Doe, Xavier Appleton

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Edinburgh, Scotland
Your Steam/In-game Name: Matt (Matt)
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: John Doe (John Doe), Xavier Appleton (XavApple)
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20840312 - STEAM_0:0:155721497
Why Should This Player Be Punished: They were at gunpoint, and were ordered to call off there officers, they did not, and then out of the blue a random officer began shooting me, even though i was not the one who had a gun aimed at the officer, and i died and lost my MAC-10. I was killed by Xavapple, who claimed to have heard gunfire so started shooting without thinking.
Evidence (Demo Required):
First of all, you dont point your guns at police officers when we have not posed a threat to you. I would understand if you wanted to kill us for self protection, but this was not the case. Secondly I shot you because you began shooting at my fellow officer, what is there to discuss?

Or maybe you did not know that your gun was in combat stance?
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You had no reason to gunpoint the cops in the first place, give me a reason why? I said i would laugh if you made an ar on them, and i am indeed laughing, the officers did nothing wrong, only did you and your friend by pointing around weapons for no reason. Also i got a question out of this ar, when is the ar on me coming?

I am the other officer in the demo you can see taking at few shots before running for cover. Him and his buddy were walking around bazaar like soldiers pointing their guns at everyone and threatening officer. I was the one who shot first i told the man with the MP5 to drop his gun and he put it into attack stance while under gun point we had no choice but to shoot. This is totally stupid in my opinion if anything you deserve a ban for strolling ground bazaar gun pointing everything that moves. I warned them about the CCTV and all the witnesses but they didn't listen. HUGE -SUPPORT
You officers were the ones who shot first. And out can clearly see me gunpoint him while he moves away. Their actions gone a officer nearly killed. We gun pointed them due to them not listening, and pointing their guns at us numerous times. They knew I was trying to sell my MP5, they refused to listen, and continued to harass us. Matt also nearly executed an officer, but spared his life. Surely, that would of been enough to scare them away, right? Nope. He walked right back, called for assistance, and continued to harass us, thus breaking 3.4, putting your life at risk. If the officer were to go away, the officers wouldn't of been severely injured. Also, the other officer's name is Dee/Marko Drago in pretty sure. So I support this. And if this were to get accepted, I would also like my MP5 back
I just noticed if you slow down the video to 0.25 @ 10 secs when he is turning round you can see my gun is in attack gun pointing him and he puts his gun into attack stance, like i said before you left us no option @[FTG] Freedor21
Was he tied? Dis you take his gun? Was he under gun point?

Please upload full demo and tick by the next 24 hours
[DOUBLEPOST=1451929526,1451714789][/DOUBLEPOST]Denied - Did not upload a demo
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