AR Johnathan Good

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Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Daigestive
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Mango
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:119099254
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.4 by pulling a gun under gunpoint while he had 0 cover on slums staircase. Our intent was to kidnap him as we had a Transit outside as you can hear Jericho say on the phone.
Evidence (Demo Required): sent privately because it's bugged asf lmao
You saw me raid your friend's shop at bazaar, so I knew you were out to kill me. Also, at slums, I pressed 1 when you had your gun in passive, and as soon as I was pulling it out, I ran to the other side of the stairs, before you even came up them, giving me enough cover and enough time to finish pulling out my gun and start shooting you.

Since you find it necessary to target me and make a salt AR, think I'll have to get console logs and make an AR on you for disrespecting me earlier :)
You saw me raid your friend's shop at bazaar, so I knew you were out to kill me. Also, at slums, I pressed 1 when you had your gun in passive, and as soon as I was pulling it out, I ran to the other side of the stairs, before you even came up them, giving me enough cover and enough time to finish pulling out my gun and start shooting you.

Since you find it necessary to target me and make a salt AR, think I'll have to get console logs and make an AR on you for disrespecting me earlier :)
Video shows you pull your gun before you had any cover. Not my fault you rage quit soon as you died...
I pulled my gun as I was running to cover, shame I hit the side of the stair railings by accidentally when I was spamming my keyboard in the heat of the moment. Also, if I was breaking 3.4 and I had no chance and no cover, I don't know how I managed to pull a gun out and kill you? pmsl
As I already stated, I pulled it out was I was running to cover. I was at the door when I first saw you, somehow I'm at the railings if I'm not running?
Dumb enough to pull a gun under gunpoint, that's how you killed me.
Was pulling it out as I was running, which is evident in that you didn't have chance to shoot me until I started shooting, when I was behind the stairs. Also, I started pulling it out when you had it in passive and near the door.
That's not in cover though is it. Even tried to make an excuse you thought I was going to KOS you lmao.
You’re not even involved and you clearly don’t know the full context of the situation because I didn’t run the full way up the stairs so stop commenting
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