AR On 2 People

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Reaction score
(Posted for a friend who doesnt have a forum account yet)

Your Steam/In-game Name
: Dee

His/Her Steam/In-game Name
: Jessamy Hudson/Emil Thybo

His/Her SteamID
STEAM_0:1:154362094 < Jess @Illuminathan
STEAM_0:0:120571169 < Emil @Gwanny

Why Should This Player Be Punished
3.15- Users rammed my friend excessively for seemingly no reason all over town. The following/ramming lasted around about 25 minutes as you can see by the time stamp. Jessamy Hudson was the driver and her and my friend would not know or have beef IC sticking to NLR that is. So unless she is bringing thing back from her past life i see no other reason why. I would love to hear the reason for actions in the video. I have sped the video up a bit as the original one was 25 mins long and i shortened it to 8.

3.4- In the second video provided you can see Jessamy Hudson runs over and kills someone at PD right in front of a medic, Emil Thybo being the passenger then hop out the car and finishes off the poor man they killed before making off. The medic immediately got DNA. To commit such a public killing they must have a good reason which i dont believe they have. They also attempted to run over another poor soul in the third video.

3.4- In the next video you can see by the time stamp that around about 2-3 minutes later they return to the PD to sit in their car. Hiding in plain sight? Maybe but i doubt it it's not very smart to sit at PD while you have just committed such a high profile murder and while being wanted.

Evidence (Demo Required)
: ^^

: N/A
We had a reason to kill the two people, the guys attempted to murder my brother and me.

About the ramming part we never had intentional to actually damage you and your vehicle, the mistaken was mine and i apologise for that. In parker tunnel i actually yelled sorry for it i can see you didn't hear it.
The main motivation for killing both of them was primarily because of them attempting to murder Jessamy and her Brother Marcus
I was hit multiple times outside PD, and without any police officers near, as they all were dead at slums.
I had no other option than to defend myself and fight back. I apologize about the Nathan ramming your Car tho
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