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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Donald DJ Trump / Sam Ireland
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: LunkLoafGrumble, big boss, Watssupya
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:87827058, STEAM_0:0:121190574, STEAM_0:1:63490652
Why Should This Player Be Punished:

Video 1:
Watssupya enters an active shootout and attempts to revive a police officer while being aimed at, which results in his death.
Big Boss enters and starts running around the shootout looking for people to revive, which results in him being shot and ultimately bleeding out.

Video 2:
Big Boss runs into a shootout and starts constantly healing police officers as they're getting shot.
LunkLoafGrumble mingegrabs a gun from a shootout resulting in him being killed by an officer. (2 mins in video)

Evidence (Demo Required):
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One of hte medics (Jonothon Moss) was talked to ingame. I am part of the situation as im the officer that capped them as they came down the stairs. You can see me on the demo on the second clip moving side to side. We all told the medic to leave but he failed. HE also blocked my movement, dont know if it was caught on here aswell. But he was talked to ingame and was given a verbal warning as his hours were low.
Both medics in the first clip will receive a warning.
in the second clip because big boss was already received punishment only lunkloaf will receive a warning for mingegrabbing
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