AR on Adrish Malik for MG

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Sako Tyran
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Adrish Malik
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:70753923
Why Should This Player Be Punished: a guy comes to hicktown and mugs one of our mates. the mugger had no phone in hand and did not stand still (so he couldn't have done /org) and suddenly a whole org shows up saying "who killed my friend" and kills us.
Evidence (Demo Required):
what doesn't make sense is your friend talking in org whilst under gp as if you're gonna sit here making ARs as your friend is breaking the rules
anyone else watch the last 3 mins that tnt sounds crazy
Involved-he came to hicktown to revenge for me,when i came to raid you,i said in org chat hicktown,need help,fishers. Dom said he is responding,later as i saw you actually under the gunpoint took your pistol out and killed adrish and ayjay and dom sniped all of you because your friends started to shoot2.

Trauk used org chat, when I arrived on the highway trauk was nowhere to be seen and wasnt using org chat but his car was left abandoned whilst you all walked around casually. I didn't know which of you it was so later I came back with @Adrish using ORG TS, he gunpointed you all and tried to find out who killed Trauk as we weren't sure whilst I watched from the trees across the lake with an M82, You guys pulled guns so I shot you. No point of this at all was metagame, If we'd known for sure who killed Trauk I would have just sniped them instead of trying to figure it out no? You can also see where we got the info from in the screenshot above.
+my organisation saw my car abandoned at your trailer,thats why my org didnt kill you instantly,but adrish tried to find out who is the real killer.
the brandon guy was just coming back and watching us from across the lake also
are you really gonna say its 3.4 just because i said "i'm so done with this game" in /org?
Adrish is also on org ts. When he dies it disconnects him from the call. Not to mention you die 0.1s after killing Adrish and I'm pretty sure he doesnt have 1000 WPM on typeracer to metagame that fast.
@Epic_ yes, because it shows that something bad as happened to you and the org can respond to any messages you've sent

This screenshot of the logs proves Trauk used org chat before dying and @Dom_ acknowledging it. Later, they attempted to take revenge. Once you started shooting, they did too.

I see no issue here or any evidence of metagaming.
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