Your Steam/In-game Name: Marcus / Marcus Hudson His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Puffy Sandvich - Aidan Dunham His/Her SteamID: idk Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.3 Slander + 4.4 , accusing me of lying, when he is the one lying. He broke 4.4 He helped suspects from slums raid the building atleast 2 times, while I was on duty. He unrestrained the raiders When I had cuffed them, He removed theire tickets, and he basically overall helped them out. Very corrupt cop, he should not be in PD. Evidence (Demo Required): Too be updated Tick: ticks
This sounds like an internal affairs issue. Despite that, here's my steam ID. I have never helped anyone raid. Again, id like to see that on video. Me explicitly assisting criminals in a raid.
Rule 4.4 involves the conduct of road crew workers.
4.4 Road Crew Workers
Typically, Road Crew Workers may not enter a crime scene if it has not yet been secured by law-enforcement personnel. Road Crew Workers must at all times remain within the impound lot, unless responding to a call out via the /roadcrew function. To impound/boot a vehicle, you must have been authorized to do so by a law-enforcement personnel. Road Crew Workers must inform law-enforcement personnel if they have repaired a vehicle that was damaged as a result of a crime.
Road Crew Workers may charge a fee of up to $500.00 for each of repairing, un-booting or un-impounding a vehicle
Last time I checked it was something else, they change the rules so often! I cant find the rule which im referring to now, but still removing my tickets, and uncuffing raiders, is plain fucking stupid.
Removing the ticket was admittedly not something I should have done as I was equal rank to you. Thus my judgment has equal weight to yours. However you had given her maximum fine for a crim she had not committed (Possession with intent to supply, when the worst you could do is intent to transport, as I was there when she spawned and you cuffed her for "Aiding and abetting." it is also worth mentioning she ended up using a Bobby pin because one of the cuffed suspects (me) had been shot and was bleeding out because you cuffed and ran away, endangering the life of two citizens, and attempting to stop a raid yourself. I removed the ticket because the max fine she should have received should have been $7000, and you issued one of $9000. The correct procedure would have been to go through a supervisor however I wasn't really thinking too solidly at that moment and didn't do that as I was tired (Reasoning, not justification. Please not the difference). However claiming it is "Corruption" is completely unfounded, and again, not an OOC matter.
@Marcus Hudson Please upload evidence within the next 24 hours or this AR will be denied.
Also, the rule I believe you're referring to is 4.1: Follow The Law
Kinda super, it got changed, the old 4,4..
Ill just post my IA on you so I dont have anything to explain, this is getting sick.
What happened: Hi. I never do AR's, Reports or IA's. This is my first one in a very long time. I will try and remember as much as I can.. But that officer really questioned my authority. I saw 2 people in the beginning him and Katya love, they were standing next to Slums which was getting raided. So I told them to leave or get cuffed, and I gave them 30sec-1 min to do so. No one of them complied and they stayed at the scene. So I went up, cuffed both of them, went down and dealt with the raid, I came back, and one of them had been shot. (Possibly by walking into a shootout which is 3.4 putting your life at risk) I Immediately bandaged him, and uncuffed both of them and told them to leave.They didn't. 3.4/2.1
5 mins later, Aidan goes officer, and Katya goes raiding the slums apartment. I'm so frightened to even think about that they were working together as the corrupt souls they are. She dies, and I stand by at PD because I was the only officer on duty, and I couldn't handle an entire raid myself. That would just be 3.4I see one guy standing with his phone out nearby slums, I decide to cuff him and drag him away from the area. I foot patrol a bit around for like 1-2 minute before I return to the suspect. When I return I see Katya Love trying to lockpick the guy I just cuffed, in front of a CCTV at the police station, where I was foot patrolling?! Then I cuff her and drag her down to jail where I tell her the charges, Aiding and abetting. She kept screaming at me in LOOC. Then I tried searching her, but she refused even though I did /me forces search. In the end, I had to litteraly say in IC Voice chat, "Alright I'm recording, and as you can see Tinyslayer see is not responding to my /me's" and when I said that sentence, she immediately accepted.
Then I found x94 cocaine on her, and decided to charge her also for "8.2 Possession of Restricted Substances with Intent to Supply" And her "Aiding and Abetting" Which ran up into a 9k ticket. Then I gave her 5 years in jail. Later on, when she got free, she was messing around, screaming at me in LOOC "Why you do this, why you do that too me, bohohoho I'm innocent" and I just chose to answer her first couple of questions, and she kept going, then I decided to ignore her.. I told her to leave the area or else it was loitering, because she had been standing there for a long time just insulting me. She failed to comply. I cuffed her, Aidan ran up to her and uncuffed her. I just looked at Aidan and he looked back at me while not saying a word. I was really rethinking it over and over again, "did I do anything wrong here?? No?? Then WTF is that officer doing?!" I chose to trust his choice and told Katya for the last time now leave. I cuffed her and he uncuffed her again. Then, later on, I hear him saying he is giving a wrecked car an escort from PLPD to Bazaar because it got flat tires, I tell him that its not allowed under law 12.6 He chooses to tell me to stop telling him what to do, and proceeds following the wrecked car with flat tyres to bazaar. And that car was really disastrous, swinging from one lane to another all the time. Then I drive up to the gas station where I know they are, and I tell Aidan to start listening to me and stop being rude. He starts insulting me in Looc with stuff like;
"[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: ёу
[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: marcus
[LOOC] Marcus: yes
[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: don't you fucking start on regulations
[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: you ran up
[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: cuffed two civs in a firefight
[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: ran away
[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: and I nearly died because of it
[LOOC] Marcus: I had already warned them."
And now 1 hour after he has logged off, I just randomly checked the computer for warrants, and I saw that he had removed Katya's ticket. Already from when he uncuffed her I had a thought about they were friends and corruption had a hand in there, but I didn't want to believe, but it's sad its true. Aidan is a corrupt cop, who helps his friends. And removes their tickets.
Here will my IA about Aidan Dunham stop, I hope you will punish him severely for the damage he has done, especially on PLPD's trustworthiness, and my trustworthiness into PLPD.
Kind Regards
LEO Hudson
What the officer did wrong: Ruin the creditability and trustworthiness of PLPD, not just towards me, but to all citizens.
Kinda super, it got changed, the old 4,4..
Ill just post my IA on you so I dont have anything to explain, this is getting sick.
What happened: Hi. I never do AR's, Reports or IA's. This is my first one in a very long time. I will try and remember as much as I can.. But that officer really questioned my authority. I saw 2 people in the beginning him and Katya love, they were standing next to Slums which was getting raided. So I told them to leave or get cuffed, and I gave them 30sec-1 min to do so. No one of them complied and they stayed at the scene. So I went up, cuffed both of them, went down and dealt with the raid, I came back, and one of them had been shot. (Possibly by walking into a shootout which is 3.4 putting your life at risk) I Immediately bandaged him, and uncuffed both of them and told them to leave.They didn't. 3.4/2.1
5 mins later, Aidan goes officer, and Katya goes raiding the slums apartment. I'm so frightened to even think about that they were working together as the corrupt souls they are. She dies, and I stand by at PD because I was the only officer on duty, and I couldn't handle an entire raid myself. That would just be 3.4I see one guy standing with his phone out nearby slums, I decide to cuff him and drag him away from the area. I foot patrol a bit around for like 1-2 minute before I return to the suspect. When I return I see Katya Love trying to lockpick the guy I just cuffed, in front of a CCTV at the police station, where I was foot patrolling?! Then I cuff her and drag her down to jail where I tell her the charges, Aiding and abetting. She kept screaming at me in LOOC. Then I tried searching her, but she refused even though I did /me forces search. In the end, I had to litteraly say in IC Voice chat, "Alright I'm recording, and as you can see Tinyslayer see is not responding to my /me's" and when I said that sentence, she immediately accepted.
Then I found x94 cocaine on her, and decided to charge her also for "8.2 Possession of Restricted Substances with Intent to Supply" And her "Aiding and Abetting" Which ran up into a 9k ticket. Then I gave her 5 years in jail. Later on, when she got free, she was messing around, screaming at me in LOOC "Why you do this, why you do that too me, bohohoho I'm innocent" and I just chose to answer her first couple of questions, and she kept going, then I decided to ignore her.. I told her to leave the area or else it was loitering, because she had been standing there for a long time just insulting me. She failed to comply. I cuffed her, Aidan ran up to her and uncuffed her. I just looked at Aidan and he looked back at me while not saying a word. I was really rethinking it over and over again, "did I do anything wrong here?? No?? Then WTF is that officer doing?!" I chose to trust his choice and told Katya for the last time now leave. I cuffed her and he uncuffed her again. Then, later on, I hear him saying he is giving a wrecked car an escort from PLPD to Bazaar because it got flat tires, I tell him that its not allowed under law 12.6 He chooses to tell me to stop telling him what to do, and proceeds following the wrecked car with flat tyres to bazaar. And that car was really disastrous, swinging from one lane to another all the time. Then I drive up to the gas station where I know they are, and I tell Aidan to start listening to me and stop being rude. He starts insulting me in Looc with stuff like;
"[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: ёу
[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: marcus
[LOOC] Marcus: yes
[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: don't you fucking start on regulations
[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: you ran up
[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: cuffed two civs in a firefight
[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: ran away
[LOOC] Puffy Sandvich: and I nearly died because of it
[LOOC] Marcus: I had already warned them."
And now 1 hour after he has logged off, I just randomly checked the computer for warrants, and I saw that he had removed Katya's ticket. Already from when he uncuffed her I had a thought about they were friends and corruption had a hand in there, but I didn't want to believe, but it's sad its true. Aidan is a corrupt cop, who helps his friends. And removes their tickets.
Here will my IA about Aidan Dunham stop, I hope you will punish him severely for the damage he has done, especially on PLPD's trustworthiness, and my trustworthiness into PLPD.
Kind Regards
LEO Hudson
What the officer did wrong: Ruin the creditability and trustworthiness of PLPD, not just towards me, but to all citizens.
Won't have access to my pc with the demo files until Monday, and I will be attending a wake in that day. I will be more than happy to provide video afterwards, but it will be difficult for me to until then. I can write it out in text when I have access to a computer as right now I'm on mobile.
Also Marcus, you didn't cuff myself and Katya, it was a completely different person. I can't remember the exact name)(nor can I get it because demos just have Loading...) but it's an obvious difference because he was a black man (Eli Vance model) and Katya Love is a white woman.
This all started with me hanging out around the police department. There was myself and another man there, Eli Vance head and blue suit like that org who's name I can't remember because I cba to know. A shootout then began to happen at the slums apartment, marcus cuffed said man in blue, told him he was being suspicious, turned around and began shooting at the slums apartments (Not went ot them and started shooting at the people inside, started shooting at the building from the PD with his beretta) He uncuffed the other man and asked us to leave. We hung out still in the area, so he ran up and cuffed us, he then turned around and booked it towards the slums with an ALT sprint, gun in hand, we then waited around at the police department for a bit until I got shot. We then waited AGAIN asking people if they had bandages for a while. This is when Katya Love came up. She heard that someone was bleeding to death, and couldn't get to the hospital (movement speed penalty), so she thought that it would be justified to try and uncuff them with bobby pins. This is justified according to Law 2.2 which is as such.
If a person reasonably believes that acting in a way contrary to any law is necessary to prevent injury, death or the loss of property they do not act unlawfully given that their actions are justifiable and proportionate.
Marcus then ran up and cuffed her for this, despite my shouting at him that I was shot (And nearly bled out) from being stuck in front of the police department. He then proceeded to search her (without her consent), claiming that she had broken law 6.3 which is as such.
Any person who knowingly provides assistance to a person under detainment, arrest or warrant for arrest other than providing medical assistance or formal legal consul acts unlawfully. Assistance may be, but is not necessarily limited to advice, action and financial support.
Felony - liable to 5 years maximum imprisonment and $5,000 maximum fine.
He then used law 6.3 to justify a forced search of her, despite the fact that "asset forfeiture" is not a part of the description, and the citizens she had "aided and abetted" were justified under law 2.2, and neither of whom were charged with a criminal offense of any kind as a result of the scene. When he searched her he found drugs, and then proceeded to charge her with law 8.2 As well, which is as follows
Any restricted substance shall be illegal to possess with the intent to supply others.
Felony - liable to 3 years maximum imprisonment, $4,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.
He had no reason to charge her with this, as there was no reason to indicate she was supplying, instead she should have been charged with this
Any restricted substance shall be illegal to possess with the intent to transport.
Misdemeanor - liable to 2 years maximum imprisonment, $2,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.
Now, he gave her a maximum fine for both of those crimes, amounting to 9k. As previously mentioned, her breaking of law 6.3 was justified under the case of law 2.2, in which she was breaking the law directly to save someone's life (To uncuff them to be able to get to the hospital). Now that we've got that scene established, lets move on to later, where we're at the PD again later and Marcus is trying to cuff & arrest her for loitering. Now, loitering is an offense defined as such.
Any person who remains in a public area for a prolonged period of time without any apparent lawful purpose commits a criminal offence.
Infraction - liable to $2,000 maximum fine.
While yes, she did technically commit this offense, officer Marcus Hudson could have simply issued a fine and walked away from it, or just done what any other officer does and ignore it entirely. Instead, he again started to handcuff her and drag her off, arresting her for an infraction that only has a maximum of a $2000 fine. I did not want to sit there and let her get arrested for loitering, as that is not something you should be cuffed and stuffed for, hence why I helped her. (Yeah, that was a stupid thing to do but I was tired. Again, reason, not justification)
Fast forward again.
Hudson and I are now at slums, there are two cars parked illegally, one on the road, completely blocking the right lane, the other crashed into a light post, blocking the sidewalk. I issued a fine on the black vehicle (Owned by Frankie Davidson I believe) and the red sports vehicle, which happened to be owned by Katya Love. I issued a larger one on the vehicle that was blocking the street, as that is far more dangerous than a wrecked car on the sidewalk. So I form a barrier around them, making sure that there is an officer watching to ensure nobody crashes into them and gets hurt. I do this for a while and Marcus gets caught up in something. So eventually, the owner of one of the cars runs up (Who happens to be, Katya Love.) Now, there are no roadcrew available online and her tires are popped, so I do the thing I have seen countless officers do from when I joined the server to fairly recently, which is escort them at a slow speed down the highway. The entire time I was doing this Marcus was screaming insults at me over the radio. Katya then proceeded to drive extremely recklessly instead of proceeding safely ahead of me at a slow speed, however I chose to ignore that because Marcus had followed us and got out of his car to give her a fine for said offenses the second that we got there. Now if this is not something I can do I understand, however this has been a standard procedure for some time.
So stuff happens here, Marcus gets yelled at over the radio and eventually drives off. I begin to then talk to TPB Katya about Marcus for a bit, until Marcus drives back over and yells at us to move our cars (from the gas station at the business sector) Now these spots at the gas pumps are intended to be stopped at and neither of us had abandoned our cars there. We also were only obstructing one side, and the other was perfectly open. We then just moved out cars (Mainly out of frustration at this point) over to the parking spaces in front of the car wash, at that same lot. We had a conversation for a while, and I explained what Marcus had done wrong to TPB Katya Love. Here is where I again breached procedure as I removed the fine from her as she did not deserve a 9k ticket for committing a crime which one of them was protected under law 2.2, referenced above, and the other was falsely given, as there was no evidence provided to give a reason to suspect supplying. TPB Katya then added me on steam to continue talking about this as I was getting more & more tired and wanted to get off the server.
So there's my incredibly long answer to this situation. Yes, I did breach protocol on the case of myself removing that fine from her. I admit that. But I am not corrupt, and I am not lying to you. I believe you'll find this all to be correct and I will submit my demo files if needed to corroborate this story.
If you have any more questions Super, I'll be happy to answer them for you. However again, the demo files if you want them will need to wait until Monday night (EST), as I won't have access to my normal computer until then.