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United Kingdom, Southampton
Your Steam/In-game Name: M00000NTH3SP00N:))) / Tom Henderson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Pussylounge XXX / Bonquiqui Mandela
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:154658662
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Saying he wants out parents to die of cancer to numerous people including me and @Daigestive on different occasions. Really dont know how he isnt permanently banned already as he said this because of ic stuff.
Evidence (Demo Required): 5555
That does not exclude you from situations such as this, when you are talking to someone within this community in that same manner shown then you can still be subject to penalisation for your actions.
if someone dislikes my way of talking outside of perp they shouldnt add me on other stuff however there isnt any proof thats actually me either

so basically there is no proof of me actually being that person that sending the messages neither is there any rule breaking
@Pull up Pull up Gass "if someone dislikes my way of talking outside of perp they shouldnt add me on other stuff" - that is you admitting it.. you also edited after when you failed to hide ur discord identity and admitting its you in the same message lol
Why do people even make fun of terminal illness'? I knew several people, who aren't here anymore due to cancer. And making fun about it in out of character is just way to fucked up. Bonquiqui must have a very hard time in her actual life. It really makes me want to pull out my AR on her and post it.
my grandmother is not here anymore because of cancer, my dad had cancer. Yet i still laugh at cancer jokes cause they are funny. IT makes a big bad thing into something funny.

Although in this case it was more of a "hope you die" than a joke
my mum died of cancer and i think its funny when exrobite says he snorted her ashes

its not that deep
I made fun of cancer once and I had a whole staff channel telling me how wrong it was. HOW IS THIS FAIR?!?? :( @Sorle
@Sorle Then it's obvious that both of you are missing some puzzles in the mind. Sarcasm is one thing, empathy is another, but screaming it out to people is just straight out obnoxious. May your families never get this terrifying curse.
@Marcus Hudson i may be more thick-skinned than others in that regard, but it truly puts into perspective how little it means when it lacks truly personal attacks

at the end of the day the people saying this shit are salty children and I just imagine them squeaking that shit directly to me and I can no longer take it seriously

however I could see why other people may be more sensitive than others towards it
@Sorle Correct! Some are more thick-skinned than others, some are more sensitive. That's what was I tried to point out. And yes, the people who use these terms probably have a lot of issues themselves just as you say "salty children" :)
@Pull up Pull up Gass

No reason to say things like that, is there? Completely uncalled for. You are right, this did not take place on the server or the forums, but we don't want people saying stuff like that in the community. What you said is completely unacceptable, and we will not allow that. If you want to stay in the community you will keep calm and stay nice. Angry? Get a punching bag.

You are to apologize to the people involved in a PH Forum PM where I am invited.
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