AR on Andii

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You should have backed off when i pulled out the gun because i dont think you would attack anyone irl with a knife when the person has a gun, you should make an AR on yourself for 3.4 3.3. And i also was about to raid you so i was ready for everything.
I was mugging him. After i died i made an F6 and spoke to curak about it and he said that when you have some one knife pointed its the same as gun pointed so he was not allowed to pull out his gun. I just made this AR because Andii already disconnected when curak wanted to speak to him.
I was mugging him. After i died i made an F6 and spoke to curak about it and he said that when you have some one knife pointed its the same as gun pointed so he was not allowed to pull out his gun. I just made this AR because Andii already disconnected when curak wanted to speak to him.
but it is quite obvious that you back off when someone pulls up a gun when you have a knife because the gun is more powerful and you have more chance to hit the person with bullets and Also end him than a knife

@Andoyan should not have pulled his gun how he did as the manner he did it left him susceptible to being stabbed and realistically he would be at a huge disadvantage. The time it would take to draw and raise a large handgun would be significantly slower than the speed of someone holding a knife to you could harm him, especially with the high ground advantage he had. Andy could Potentially have ran to safety before pulling his gun but didn’t even do that.

However no formal punishment will be given, as @NGHTMRE was trying to mug him on the fire escape, an open area in full view of the general public. Moving him to a more remote location would have constituted as kidnapping to mug.

I advise you both take this as a learning experience. @Andoyan, having a “better“ weapon unequipped than the weapon someone is actively threatening you with doesn’t allow you to pull your own weapon as it still endangers you’re life, and @NGHTMRE , don’t mug people on an open air fire escape. (You’re not even allowed to mug someone inside the stairwells of any apartments, let alone the open air fire escape.
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