AR on Andii

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Your Steam/In-game Name:alejandro rohas , dimitri kowalski
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Andii dont know ig
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished: He started killing us without knowing if we were armed while he was sure of it , then they tried to blackmail me so i wont report telling me if u do u will get ban too cause of the props placement which in fact was shit due to their bomb explosion.

Evidence (Demo Required):

ban request #proof | dimitris perspective

my perspective
no but they started throwing nade for example without knowing if we were armed thats all , if they knew we had weapons it would be ok but they killed dimitris cause they threw in a nadethey shouldnt have thrown unless they were certain we had guns
We saw a tesla and a dodge charger parked in front of Fredy's, we knew you were strapped up if you owned vehicles like that. Also, we heard you use the chem table a bunch of times, so we knew you were growing inside and that means you were definitely going to defend your shit. Use some common sense, if you were at a location like that would you be unarmed? For sure not!
We saw a tesla and a dodge charger parked in front of Fredy's, we knew you were strapped up if you owned vehicles like that. Also, we heard you use the chem table a bunch of times, so we knew you were growing inside and that means you were definitely going to defend your shit. Use some common sense, if you were at a location like that would you be unarmed? For sure not! this is what u wrote incase u delete it . So u speculated .
And after that, is the blackmailing for the barricades? You said you're gonna make a report on him. And I think I have it on screenshot and u said it as blackmailing
Okay so you are claiming that i killed you because i did not '' know'' that you were armed? Well as i told you before when you started to cry out in OOC i heard something like reloading a gun or removing an equipment from a gun as you can see in the first video from my veiw at 0:14 if you dont hear it i think you are really deaf. That sound came from church and its clearly that you guys are armed thats why i threw the nade.
And i really like that wooden board placement at 0:10 making you break rule 3.8
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We saw a tesla and a dodge charger parked in front of Fredy's, we knew you were strapped up if you owned vehicles like that. Also, we heard you use the chem table a bunch of times, so we knew you were growing inside and that means you were definitely going to defend your shit. Use some common sense, if you were at a location like that would you be unarmed? For sure not!

you claimed u heard the chem table sound as well and now u didnt recognise it? i unequiped the chem table
Raiding with bombs and grenades is allowed. Players should at all times avoid killing unarmed players in properties that they are raiding, however, accidents happen.

When Andii threw the grenade he threw it into an area that only someone who was armed and attempting to defend would be, not into the main public area of the property. You can see through this that he clearly intended to kill anyone who was armed.
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