AR on AR

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Right, let me start this off. I had received a life alert at slums apartment 4 and responded code 2, I spoke with the man inside the apartment and he wanted me to prove I was a cop, after saying my badge number he decided to shoot me through the wall with a sawn-off, after 5 minutes of trading blind bullets through the wall, the apartment owner who shows up opens the door and I dealt with the shooter. (three dead bodies on the scene he had already killed 2 before I showed up, and growing drugs in the property) the apartment owner pulled out a bat and approached me to quote "Help you with the raid" where I shot him in the face and confiscated everything.

After this situation was deemed code 4 and I was satisfied the area was clear I left the building and went afk outside the pd for over an hour. I've now returned to discover that apparently I'm apart of 2-3 incidences when really I was only involved in one on my own. Sam and I never raided your property and I believe this is a false accusation that will backfire immediately if you can provide evidence of me being there that'll be great because then that means a spirit possessed my computer just to torment you. (this is a joke because I was afk smoking and eating outside)

PS: I'm not tommy, my ingame name is "Mel Mahoney" badge number 3193
Thank you for responding. I was convinced it was the same 2 people throughout the whole ordeal and I wasn't around when the owner approached you with the bat, so my apologizes for getting you mixed up with another player.
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That still doesn't explain why you immediately came back as police right after dying in the raid. Seems like u were a bit salty that you lost your guns. That also doesn't justify Tommy shooting me when I complied with his orders.
I had never given you any orders to comply with while being a Police Officer you have this whole AR all over th place with false information and wrong names, I recommend you make a fresh one with facts next time. As said in Davids response we waited NLR time and found bodies. As for us raiding you while you were in your apartment the kid (brayden} had a sawed off shotgun and you last had one aswell.
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