AR on Doge/Noah/Breeze

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Close the AR, i've solved the situation with them
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California, United States of America
There were events that transpired before this that obviously weren't communicated properly within the PD(mayor assassination maybe?), as I would not run for simple headlights.

I also had nothing to do with taking you hostage or killing you, as my intention was to run to storage and lock myself inside. I only noticed Noah had taken you hostage after I had came back since I saw nobody was chasing me after I turned in to Glass Co.

edit: I was going to let you guys go after I cleared the props out of the warehouse, but they seemed to want to kill you instead.
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Cool Breeze's Defence

It was 5 min before rs and we had recently killed the mayor. When I saw my friend having you 2 as hostages in the back of that white trailer I was trying to get you to speak with me. (start talking, start talking start talking!) I had reasons to believe you were looking for us becuse of the mayor assassination and you had been sneaking around scrapyard watching us before, so it seemed pretty obvious to me that you were there for that reason. I tried to get you to speak under direct gunpoint which you totally ignored. I then shot your friend to show that I was being serious, and lets be honest I was not gonna let you live after you getting the knowledge of our base and had seen our guns. If we were to let you go you would have come back with a warrant and swat, more cops whatever so we were just trying to stay alive or out of jail.

What happend after was a medic going around with a random civilian saying that he was also a medic whatever. The medic found a body outside and I knew I had to take him too into the situation.

You kept stalling the RP situation by talking to me in OOC while I was trying to get you to talk about why you were here. You did not even say that you had other reasons to be here which I did not know about, and at the end there I ended up really confused if you were involved with Banter that was going on a base earlier.

Too be honest I dont know what the fuck Noah is doing at that video or what happend before I showed up but you should have contiuned the RP instead of stalling by talking to me in LOOC. If you feel someone is doing something wrong you should play out the situation and report it after it is done. You even admit in the video before I enter the situation that you are stalling the situation.

You broke 3,4 by refusing to cooperate with me under direct gunpoint and even after your partner got shot which in real life would have you in shock and not just fucking ignoring me. If you would have talked to me and explained why you were there in the first place things might have went another way but as already said, keeping you alive at that time would have put myself in danger in the future, and the reason for me starting speaking LOOC in voice is because you refused to speak with me IC. So I asked if you were trolling (banter) before restart, because me and Noah were fucking around like right before this happend and even tho a bit of banter might have been involved it was perfectly valid for me to kill them.

This AR is pretty stupid IMO It was right before restart, it did not ruin anybody's role play and I did not receive any information about the car chase/ticket whatever.

When you get to that point in any situation that you know the victim can come and get you later, you simply don't let the witness live. I think I made the right decision by the information I had at the time and strongly suggest that you actually try to cooperate with people threating your life as you have to do anything in your power to stay alive. You were the higher rank of you and your partner so you were the one I was trying to squeeze for information.

/me drops mic
[DOUBLEPOST=1471619249,1471582467][/DOUBLEPOST]Rules you say I broke:
3,4 - you were already kidnapped when I found you, I had nothing to do with kidnapping you over that ticket, even tho I'm pretty sure Noah was spooked because of the recent mayor assassination who took place at mayors hall.

2,2 - You refused to speak with me in RP so I started answering you and asking about the situation in looc with voice, I'm not really a fan of typing and I have every right to do as long I'm the one answering you, and not the random guy who starts talking ooc in voice in rp.

2,5 - As said above, the actions that I took were valid because of information I was given. I'm not gonna stay back there talking ooc with you in rp when I risk my life more and more every second I'm there. Any guy in my position would have killed the witnesses and tried to get away or hide the bodies, whatever.

5,6 - You were already kidnapped, had nothing to do with bringing you there and holding you before I showed up. for Noah's part kidnapping you I think it was absolute necessary to get information from you if you were planning a raid or after him
Because of the mayor assassination.

In your defence I can see that it really sucks to be killed by something we know now was just a ticket, but you have to realize we were pretty pumped up and paranoid at the time, it's not stupid to think that you were after him because of recent events. I still think you should have started speaking with me, when its pretty clear that I want you to talk about the situation when I tell you to speak up like three, four times. You were also killed in like the last secound because I dont know if you remember the situation after the restart. As said in the video It is pretty common that people have a little fun right before restart with death matches and shit and I can honest say that it might be a bit unnecessary to kill you in that last secound but as said, you did not lose anything AT ALL and I dont actually know if you can remember the situation when becoming a cop after RS so I went with my gut on this one and did what I felt was right at the time. It's seems like you are the only one having a problem with the situation the other guy who draw a gun at gunpoint in the last secound was probably fucking around just the last minutes before restart like many others. And I completetly agree with even tho its restart in 3 min people actually might wanna roleplay. So all I can say is that the situation was a injected with a bit of banter that started before you showed up but I also think we had a good enough reason to do what we did. I do not however support the fact that you were taken outside the base where there are cameras and open sight for any civilian but as said above I was not there for that part. I guess it's really up to a member of staff to decide what's happening next but I'd like to say again that I think I did right by the information I was given at the time.
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