AR on arken and Chase

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Manchester, England
Your Steam/In-game Name: Adikid*TRADING*/Adrish Malik

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
arken/Satoshi Nakamura(@SatoshiAaron) and Chase/Chase Williams (@Chase)

His/Her SteamID
Arken - STEAM_0:0:56702681 Chase - STEAM_0:0:28963143

Why Should This Player Be Punished
Essentially, arken player broke 3.4 by walking into a shootout as well as attempting to be a hostage. As well as the Chase, the SWAT officer, broke rule 4.1 by putting someones life at risk thus breaking law 4.4 (Misconduct in a public office).

Evidence (Demo Required)

: N/A
I accept full responsibility for being an idiot. I was actually chasing an officer for cutting me off. I actually jumped in to try and assist Adrish as I have had many issues with these officers and I know they don't play by the rules. I was trying to give him some leverage. Either way, I broke a rule and that's that. I have nothing against Adrish and neither does he. This is a fair AR.
You're telling a SWAT officer to get out of his ARMORED VAN? You do realize your weapon has no effect on me at all inside of that van. As for telling the officer to get out yes that's a tactical approach. Instead of having me jump out on your side to open myself up to gunshots I have my passenger (other officer) get out and approach from behind the van where this is cover. I don't see how this is a problem. You were a threat sniping people in their house, cops were dispatched to you and you get mad because we took you down? How is this an issue?
4.4 General Misconduct in a Public Office
Any elected official or member of the emergency services who acts dishonestly and or not in accordance with the best interests of the city commits the offence of misconduct in a public office.

How did I act dishonestly?... I responded to a sniper call...

4.1 Follow the Law
Government employees must at all times follow the entirety of the law.

What law was broken?... Again officer were called to your location, we acted as best as we can to an active shooter.

Believe it or not this was all a tactical offense on you. What am I going to do allow you to continue shooting at people? You needed to be stopped and we had a plan on stopping you. It worked didn't it? Not only that no officer died at all. We had it all under control. Who's life was at risk? The officer and me? Of course our lives are at risk we're stopping a shooting maniac sniping people. What would you have done? We were right in front of you in an ARMORED vehicle meant for these situations.
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Arken will be banned permanently due to his record at the community. The SWAT officer will not be punished due to the nature of the situation.
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