AR on Ashur

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name:Nasul / Adrian Shepherd
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Ashur /
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:214812816
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
She was gunpointed and decided to use her weapon so i shot her down.
Evidence (Demo Required):
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Here is my perspective:
So basically, the Porsche was placed in a direction so i could run behind it, if i don't remember wrongly so, i saw you when i turned around from a long distance, you were already breathless if not mistaken, so i took my chance and run behind the car, then i crouched behind it and pulled my gun without you having chance to get to the other side in time, cause the car was placed in such a dumb angle, due to me knowing there were more cornerings for me to have enough time being Relaxed (able to run) i did it, and it worked, if only my Marksmanship wasn't 51 i would've killed you, but sako has 2 much recoil for me, also in the Sit you stated i didn't have a reason to shoot you, i did, my friend was getting raided by cops in Projex, so i had enough reason, ill be able to post a better side of my story when i get home, if the staff dealing with this wants me on TS, ill gladly come just message me on the forums.

If anyone wanted to know, the staff dealing with this were @Super_ and @Brinch as his mentor. And they requested the AR.
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