ar on bonquiqui mandela

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Your Steam/In-game Name: alejandro rojas
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: bunquiqui mandela
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:154658662
Why Should This Player Be Punished:when taken as hostage he behaved like we were his friends or people that didnt know the rules .
He started singing when 3times when gp we even let him keep his items and then when ordered 3 times to shut up he wouldnt so i killed him . @Brinch had taken me and him in
admin sit but i think he didnt understand fully the situation and he let us both go so i make this ar to make sure no rules were broken by me or him.
Evidence (Demo Required):!MhkQDISQ!G42D9QblmqOcIUSkvNo3PvUlSI6whc3VE_CNLugB-8k

tick 56497 - 59000
Goodafternoon, in the admin sit we talked about the sitiuation with brinch, as we concluded in the admin sit alll three off us, was that the singing might have been a little stupid. but howevery alejandro rojas killed me not for the singing but for asking him where he wanted me to stand because as i understood from his body language someone was coming to raid. also i didnt know who or what was coming since alejandro talked in spanish to his friend. another thing pointed out in the admin sit. a few things were concluded by brinch in this admin sit:

1. alejandro broke a rule by killing me because he thought i was going to sing again. he litterally stated this in the admin sit however brinch told him he wouldnt punish him for it as long as he would acknowledge he broke this rule

2. the singing was the smartest thing to do but it i never screamed or shouted for help it didnt indanger his live in what sort off way

3. brinch didnt '' let us go'' because he couldnt figure it out brinch '' let us go'' because he concluded that alejandro was the one actually rule breaking not me. he stated this several times in the admin sit. however alejandro didnt take no for an answer.


i have some questions aswell.

1. why did you shoot me after i asked you kindly where to stand?

2. what rule did i exactly break in your point of view?

3. as you stated in the admin sit i shouldve have seen the police coming because of their light. the windows were borderd up it wasnt possible to look through the windows. how did you know police was their basing it on their lights since everythign was borderd up?

in short, i dont think i broke 3.4 as i think he is suggesting. i did sing 2 times the third time i talk was asking me nicley without sounding threatend so people wouldnt know i was being held under gp. the third time i asked him nicely what do you want me to do stnad in the corner stand here or just leave after that i immidiatly got shot. i never got shot for singing as brinch already concluded in the admin sit.
i killed u cause u didnt behave normaly in a hostage situation the last strawl was when u started asking where should i go , just wanted the admins to check the video and see if i am right to kill u or not , i would gladly take a punishment for killing u if i wasnt supposed to do that .Just wait for the response .
plz whoever is incharge of the ars or even brinch watch the video
I was part of that raid. I even told him many times tht if he will not stop screaming we will kill him. About a month ago I recieved a warning for the very same reason. ACCEPTED AR: 3.4 - Continuously spoke loudly during a mugging after being told multiple times under gunpoint to be quite We told him that if he doesn't shut up we will kill him then he even started singing while being at gunpoint probably he did that so the police is actually gonna hear him.
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