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Your Steam/In-game Name: ItsAquaa | Dylan Larsen

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: CHADD | Chadd Ross

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:74976299

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Started a raid for no reason. I was asking about the shootout going on upstairs when I asked "Are you guys raiding upstairs?" then CHADD, as the only S.W.A.T member infront of my door, said "No, we're raiding you! GET ON THE FUCKING FLOOR!". There was an ongoing shootout upstairs and he gunpointed me, entered my apartment, and opened fire at all the people I was basing with causing us to lose a massive amount of weapons and drugs. When confronted in OOC he did not reply.

Evidence (Demo Required):!U5UTVYYI!XQCE9MAzhv8_nhC1JUMiziCKCHaKkuSURiq2RMPWiYs

Upon investigation, it seems as if he accidently raided the wrong apartment and was told to open fire. He did so in the wrong apartment.

The SWAT in question admitted to residing because of boarded up windows, this is wrong and shouldn't be allowed.
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I was there and i was not the only swat there was also swat garret and michael on the balconey about to breach the property we were raiding your appartment under 8.8 as you didnt open the door to police and had boarded windows after we told you to remove them. its not my fault that you refused to open the door to police officers when asked to i had every right to breach the property as i was taking orders from lt and serg . Also if you had dont nothing wrong why did the other two members in the house immedietly open fire as we entered the property . (when i cuffed him and went round the corner his mates were PREPARED FOR A SWAT RAID they were behind barricades with guns drew towwards me .At first all the swat team wanted to do was to seach the property it just so happens that there was two people in there with guns that attempted to to kill me and other swat.As far as im aware i did not break any rules in particular and this is a waste of staff time
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Borded up windows can never be the only base reason for a raid, they don't have to remove them.
it was lt or sergs order to raid them i have no clue who was the lt or serg at the time but i just followed orders from them its not my problem the serg/lt told me to raid regals 1
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Also if you had dont nothing wrong why did the other two members in the house immedietly open fire as we entered the property
How about because we didn't want to lose our drugs?
I was there and i was not the only swat there was also swat garret and michael on the balconey about to breach the property we were raiding your appartment under 8.8
You're right, you were there. The other officers had a normal count of brain cells and were raiding the apartment upstairs because they were the ones who had murdered 2 officers.
As far as im aware i did not break any rules in particular and this is a waste of staff time
Waste of staff time, really? That is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard, especially on an action request. I made this for a reason, and I provided a demo to support my claim made in the main post.
You opened fire on them without seeming reason,
What do you mean i had NO REASON THEY OPEN FIRED AT US

Raiding the apartment upstairs becuse they were the ones who had murdered 2 officers
Yes i was ORDERED by the lt/serg to seach regals 1 .at which point to refused to open the door let alone talk to officers as you opened the door i heard the other swat garret and michael preparing to breach so i hand cuffed you then as i went to assist my squad mate your mates opened fire at us which led to the gun fight
[DOUBLEPOST=1451101032,1451100392][/DOUBLEPOST]Thats the problem i didnt raid the wrong appartment and why would i lie i have dont nothing wrong and plus i only wanted to seach the appartment (from lt/sergs orders) it was the other swats choice to breach the balcony soo i have nothing to say
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I asked the Lt. aka baggers and he replied with
OKAY GUYS! From now on, let's just leave the post. Unless any NEW evidence is added, not comments on current evidence, then no more replies in the thread! Thank you! Let's leave it to the staff of the community to decide the outcome. -Joey
If i have found the right demo i can hear someone say over radio announcing swat is needed to slums 1 it was all just one big misunderstanding and we raided the wrong apartment an error on the swats side. I’m going to try and contact swat Michael and garret to ask exactly why we raided regal 1 and not report to slums
As far as i remember, a citizen provided a glock 20 and reported the regals for the murder, LT was also murdered at the Regals Apartment. (There were more reasons for raid, like Boarded Window [Considered as suspicious activity.] and more, Garret should remember.)

But we had a valid reason to raid the place. @Garret_Pp should know the reason because i dont remember clearly.
As far as i remember, a citizen provided a glock 20 and reported the regals for the murder, LT was also murdered at the Regals Apartment. (There were more reasons for raid, like Boarded Window [Considered as suspicious activity.] and more, Garret should remember.)

But we had a valid reason to raid the place. @Garret_Pp should know the reason because i dont remember clearly.

For you to raid for boarded windows, it states you must have a warrant under the laws. Having boarded in and of itself is not illegal, however it could be cause for a warrant from the LT due to "suspicious activity" if he does not feel the explanation given by the man with the boarded up windows hes provided a good enough reason for them to have the boards
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Though I have conducted many raids at the regals apartments, I do believe I remember this one because it was recent. The scene was already crazy. The LT was already requesting backup when we got a panic call from regals and a life alert from the LT. Because of this we came to the apartment. Police entered the already opened second floor apartment to find nothing. I was on overwatch at the bridge. As I walked back to see what was happening and if I could see anything different I heard noise coming from the apartment on the first floor. I proceeded near the back door where I heard somebody being ordered down with something like "Don't move or I'll shoot you." Me, believing that since the LT was killed very close to this apartment, seeing that the persons inside did indeed have boarded windows, and hearing a possible person-in-need's calls coming from that apartment, entered without a warrant under 11.5. It was by MY order that the SWAT entered, not Ross. We were later questioned by an moderator at the PD about this incident and, after we explained what all happened, he found no wrong doing and let us go without punishment.

This AC is being made because I guess you either just don't agree with the mod or are mad you lost but either way you committed a crime. In fact, you committed a lot of crimes and in the end you lost. Deal with your loss, we followed everything by the book in the best way we could possibly do it in the circumstance.

P.S. CHADD is right, they refused to speak to LEOs after we originally questioned them about the windows and all supervisors were killed so we had to enter at our own discretion.

I've been speaking to alot of staff members about this case and most of them agree that this is a misunderstanding and can happen in real life. I'll remind you that this AR is not about when to raid apartment when it have boarded windows. CHADD will recive a verbal warning tho for this action and staff members are notified.
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