AR on Cody Greenslade

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] ErmakDimon/Dmitrii Ermakovich
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Gaming Tube789/Cody Greenslade
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:154718690
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The player broke the following rules: 2.2, 3.24, 3.26, 4.1 and possibly 2.5 (he may have made the situation escalate like this in order to get me demoted)
User, as a firefighter, ran multiple stop signs, so i pulled him over. Whilst i was writing him a ticket he got into his car and drove off. I then stopped him and arrested him for failing to cooperate with LEOs, he started accusing me for "falsely" arresting him and refused to roleplay until a staff member comes however there were none online at the time. Me, some other officer and @Eviction Notice (who also has a recording of the sit) were telling him that he has to do it and only then he got into the squad car. Other stuff is shown in the videos.
Evidence (Demo Required): Live video #1
Live Video#2:
Demo recording:
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Yes please, this guy stalled RP to an unbearable extent and really ruined what could have been a fun situation by constantly ignoring /me's and saying stuff like "I'm not going anywhere until you call an admin," as can be seen in the video. He clearly doesn't understand multiple rules and that not only damages his RP but the RP of others around him.

Also he's a pretty wank firefighter


Cody will be banned.

You will also receive a warning for slander and breaking character.
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