AR On Cole West 3.4

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Double J/Jimmy Jackson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Cole West/ IDK
His/Her SteamID: idk
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 | Decided to stand right next to me during an active shootout and keep screaming 'You're a retard' showing no regard for their safety. then further on as @Dapsas flanks, he stands there like nothing's happening to want to get shot, I nearly shot him myself seeming as he wouldn't leave and stop getting in the way.
Evidence (Demo Required):!vi51nCra!sxPKko7M9MVVNXzuor6oKZGdm7HoXyOLW5SlXwN2U5g
When I got cuffed the shootout ended, there were no shots I'm pretty sure. You were aimed and nothing happened you were just staring at the apartments, I stood behind you at all times and never walked infront of you as seen as the video. If I was infront of you then you walked behind me. When Dapsas flanked I ran away and hid, if you look in your evidence provided.

Also, changed my name back to Daniel Rodriguez.
Wrong, there were still shots happening at regals and you were there. If the shootout ended then why would dapsas flank?
Also, I don't know if you could see me but when Dapsas flanked he was shooting directly near me as I was near you so I feared for my life and ran away out of the line of fire
Involved-----Shootout was not over,me and stav abergal were flanking to kill cops and help our org secure guns and transport it,ive got told in organisation teamspeak to help at regals and KOS cops.
@Jimmy Jackson I don't know but I didn't hear shooting then I would've ran, you weren't being shot at so there was no danger around you. Spawned ran past regals got cuffed
When Daniel was doing this it seems there was only minimal shots which only lasted a second or two, at the time while you were stood there nothing was happening and he hid for cover when shots came towards him.

Reviewed with @Cole
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