AR on Craig Quality and Ben Hicks.

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Sanuhl/Tavell Clinton
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ben Hicks - [QN] Tron / Craig Quality - [QN] [BiDev] [ACDev] QualityLolz
His/Her SteamID: [QN] Tron - STEAM_0:0:95326224

[QN] [BiDev] [ACDev] QualityLolz - STEAM_0:1:77043721

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.2 ;

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: None.
Additional comment: I did break 1.3 for telling him that he was metagaming and I admit to that, I'm completely sorry but I was really, REALLY mad about the situation that was ongoing at that time. I would also like to apologise for the shitty commentating, it's the first time I've actually reviewed a demo.
+Support, reasons below:
-Broke 3.2.
-Broke 3.26 by using multiple me's in a single /me
-Kinda 2.1 by just randomly falling and hitting his head on a pole when there was nothing that could cause him to fall.
I do support this a lot, but lets go through it.


As you can see in the video, the officer immediately arrests him and detains him for something he didn't know. The officer breaks 3.2 and so does the victim, which in the video he was "sleeping" and there was no way of hearing him as he began to squeal after you got detained.

As you can see in the picture below


The officer pulls up, with an illegal parking, no hazard lights or sirens, performing an illegal parking which then proceeds to get his weapon out. He then detains you when he doesn't know what happened.

Another Clue:


What a coincidence...

You will see the other metagamer on his friends list, if you go on and write his steam ID you will find Quality Lolz, press on his profile, go to friends and find him there.

This is the most evidence I could gather.
+support on this AR.
This lad is clearly metagaming and deserves to be punished.

He's pretty annoying too.
If he can somehow explain this I will grab some popcorn and happily listen, it would be some really funny story.

Obvious +Support they were clearly metagaming.
Reasons for why are as followed....

Rule 3.2:
He must have been using some form of communication that was not IC as he clearly did not get called there by a member of the public. So it's clear the person and him was chatting though a different form of communication unless he got super abilities.

Rule 4.1:
The Police officer had broken the law by parking illegally from the video he did not use emergency lights or hazard lights therefore breaking law 9.4.

Rule 3.26:
The user used the /me command to do multiple commands which I do believe was "/me Unties and ungags."

(Possible) Rule 2.1:
He unrealistically fell the user had pretended to fall over nothing to forget what had happened.

The reason I believe he had pretended to fall is because he was using a out of character method to locate his friend, he then rescued his friend while is friend ran away he pretended to fall so that he did not have to arrest the person most likely cause he knew that he had found his friend by breaking the rules. The fact he knew exactly what had happened is to obvious.

All in all this user must be punished for his actions along with his friend who supplied him with the information to locate him.
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