AR on Cup_Master

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Code Monkey

Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Code Monkey / Brandy Martello
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Cup_Master / Charle Dynasty
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47529486
Why Should This Player Be Punished: This is for 3 separate events. I do not feel like making 3 separate ARs. Cup master broke raid timer (5.3 for raiding 11 minutes apart) and broke 3.4 by pulling gun under gp. He then broke 2.5 by taking my planters attempting to force me to say sorry over LOOC to get them back when he did not benefit from taking them IG. (The drugs were done)
Evidence (Demo Required):

Raid timer videos 11 minutes apart:


The AR should be on me instead, as I've been discussing with Code_Monkey, this is all my fault, this was my idea to steal his boxes and make him say sorry, but it was only meant as a cheeky joke nothing serious. He disconnected when we were about to give him them back.
Regarding my friend breaking 3.4 here is her statements;
"I didn't mean to pull a gun under gp I misclick as you can see in the video I stopped and didn't put my gun in an attack stance
and say that he ran under gp ill post that vid soon"

Don't punish Cup_Matser, punish me instead, I deserve it, she doesn't.
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