AR on DilanTheSanta and [PH] KILLER

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Classiest of Nando
Their Steam/In-game Names: DilanTheSanta/Joseph Zepol and [PH] KILLER/Alex Allen
Their SteamIDs: STEAM_0:0:93536581 (DilanTheSanta)
and STEAM_0:1:95528259 ([PH] KILLER]
Why Should These Players Be Punished:
4.1, 2.1, 4.3 and 3.4. Dilan and KILLER as Medic and Traffic Officer teabagged a dead woman in front of the PD without any regard for the public relations of the government, criminal charges for 8.4 or diciplinary action. These actions broke law 8.4 (Destruction of Evidence) and were completely illegal as well as unrealistic. Furthermore, they obstructed the body in a way that any medic who actually wanted to get the body in an ambulance would have to push them off, breaking 4.3 as instead of hampering progress of the current task at hand (getting the body in an ambulance), Dilan did not go to the hospital to get an ambulance or RP forensics, while Killer did not go on patrol or even guard the scene. When I told Dilan that he was damaging the evidence, he replied that the body was highly damaging to his testicles.

KILLER then went and dragged the body across the sidewalk and PD LEO car park exit, over the overpass and then across Main Street to get to the hospital, a visual representation of this path can be seen here:

In this situation where paramedics are available and coming to the scene in ambulances, taking this course of action instead of waiting for an ambulance is completey unnecesary and frankly idiotic. This action further destroyed evidence and distrupted medic activities as the medics doing their jobs were already requisitioning ambulances, the confusion caused by this action later made the Lieutenant of the Police Force call radio silence. Dragging a body across several streets and an overpass would also destroy or contaminate almost all of the forensic evidence on the body for an autopsy, as well as damage it, making it hard to determine cause of death. And of course, an officer dragging a dead woman across the street against the current plan of action is horrible for public relations and could very well lead to demotion. 4.3, 2.1 and 3.4.

Evidence (Demo Required): 13-15-36.dem?dl=0



I do apologize for my actions, it was early in the morning and I was simply trying to get a laugh out of the other players and myself. I didn't do it with the intention of breaking any rules or affecting your RP negatively, so I'm sorry.
Also, I don't think law 8.4 comes in here, since the person who killed her had already admitted to running her over, and we'd also done a DNA scan already to see who killed her, and how (Traffic Officer Hayden James in his Traffic Officer-Mobile-Thing)
If I have negatively affected anyone else's RP by doing this, send me a Private Message and I will apologize to you via the PM.

You demo doesn't seem to be working, please try and upload some other evidence or the AR will have to be closed.​

Closed by OP's request.​
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