AR on E7 Flex ✰VLRP✰'s

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Lakesn4ke - Andy Mcsandy

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
E7 Flex ✰VLRP✰'s STEAM_0:0:136599116 - Patric pax

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:136599116

Why Should This Player Be Punished?: This player basically cdm'ed many ppl. He drove a red mini cooper and literally aimed at me and drove over me(i died and flew into another dimension lol) (his excuse was that he was on drugs). Then later he ran over my friend (Joe Mcron) and a cop. I stabbed him after i saw he drove over my friend. The police didn't do anything when i tried to make a report about him.

Then in the admin sit he said that it was not him(my friend saw his name on the car and he driving it. And made a report about Cdm and him punching my dead body.
But his report just got closed.

Mage suggested i take this on the forums Without video evidence. (i got it if needed and so does my friend Aaron West.)
Yeah and after he ran over Andy he came back to the crime scene and started to push me and Joe and punching Andys dead body.
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