AR on ethan

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Reaction score
Maneti Chao
Your Steam/In-game Name: Tinky/Tinky Starksy
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ethan/Son Slaughter
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55480733
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Shot me for no reason then refused to bandage me for some reason
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: -
Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

This rule is specifically relevant to the violation of any In-Character law, meaning that murders, thefts, etc, are all expected to be conducted realistically;

A few common examples of unreasonable risks includes, but is not limited to:

  • Running on the highway without a justifiable reason
  • Loitering around the vicinity of a shootout you are not a part of or being within the line of fire from both intentional and accidental fire. Users must flee the scene of a shootout and wait for police to clear the scene and reopen the area to the public. This applies regardless of you being restrained or not.
  • Murdering a police officer(s) to avoid yourself or others receiving a minor punishment, such as a small ticket or a minor jail sentence
  • Loitering around the scene of a crime you committed with the intention of engaging in more combat
  • To not comply with reasonable orders given under the direct threat of a lethal weapon pointed at you, such as a mugging.
  • Committing a violent or serious crime, such as murder, theft, arson, etc. whilst knowing that police are in direct eyeshot of the scene you wish to commit the crime at.
My org and friends were raiding you but I wasnt a direct threat to you, I was going to grab a gun from the apartment we owned and help them but you couldnt know that and shoot me+ i didnt know you were on the stairs
-INVOLVED- You can't really run into an apartment without a gun in a active shootout not expecting to get shot
I tried to get to my car but one of you punched me while going to my car and I died on the way to my car
before your friends raided us they called you and told you come over to projex we heard it. means you came inside active shootout unarmed you broke 3.4
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