AR on fatgeorge and AlexDuns

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: KinqProfit / Devin Garcia
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: fatgeorge / George Wolf and AlexDuns / Bojing Mohmmed
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95528259 (AlexDuns) and STEAM_0:1:108264788 (fatgeorge)
Why Should This Player Be Punished: We had a rp situation and we successfully killed them both after they respawned they get salty, serach us and
randomly killed everyone at storage (even our friends they wasnt in the rp situation before). After we all respawned at city hall they try to find a way to kill us again (as you can see in the Demo my friend got shot without any reson).
These both guys made us some troubles, for like a week before again, they killed us again and camped at city hall and waited for us. We were also in an admin sit, which name we forgot sadly, who warned them to not troll again.

Evidence (Demo Required):
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Would just like to point out that Alex and George were both revived by a paramedic after you left, them killing you is completely your guy's fault for shooting them meaning they can get revenge. The part at CH was uncalled for as you guys had just respawned and I'm the cop at CH when they shot you for calling 911.
as Callum said Alex got revived and told me once i re spawned that all of you had killed his mate and were all involved so we hunted you down and killed you, the bit at CH was me shooting your leg for calling the cops on us under GP.
As you can see in the video, Salvatore Garcia was first randomly punched from these guys, than he took out his phone and he was already writing to 911. After that happened, than these guys took out his weapon and shot him. Maybe please watch the video again.
dont need to watch the video mate i was the one who shot you. You got shot for snitching on us to the cops whilst under gunpoint. Punched you for stepping up to Bojing and getting up in his face.
Dude he was stading still the whole time. Open your eyes while watching the video. We were also in an admin sit, you guys got warned for that you just repeat trolling.

Reviewed with @Inchs

@FatGeorge @AlexDunsシ in the future don't go back to city hall to saltfest it further also the carrying of the AK was unnecessary so please just refrain from doing this in the future, however the shooting was valid as you called 911 and got shot once as a result, they didnt rdm further.
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