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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Aloo89

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Harley Crack

His/Her SteamID: idk

Why Should This Player Be Punished: break GP the 2 video not sure if he break rules but he shot us when he wasnt sure if he have guns or no /( i hade gun on my back buy my friend didnt have gun )

Evidence (Demo Required):
I solo raided you guys and killed 4 of your members, I knew you live there too. You also followed me and acted strange when I drove there. The only reason to gp me is to murder me and get revenge, Complying with you would've putted my life even more at risk, that's why I tried to act quickly to save my life.

For the second situation, I raided one of your orgs apartment. You knew I was raiding it, you saw me getting inside with weapons on the back, you knew I didn't live there.

So my first reaction when you guys pulled up and stopped straight away was to aim at you guys, once the green person (idk his name) ran straight towards me I started spraying him (wasn't taking any risk), could only see his head since my gun was pointed at his head.

The action request won't be accepted or denied. We have had a discussion regarding it and have come to the conclusion that his actions under the circumstances would be somewhat accepted. In the first clip, as Harley had already killed several members of your organisation and as you have pulled up on him in that manor, Harley would be doing what he could to protect his own life under rule 3.6 as your intention is most likely going to be to kill him anyway as a form of revenge. With the second clip, we would suggest that @Harley is more careful in the future and not jump to conclusions when faced with a situation like this however, as you've turned up after him raiding it would be similar to the first clip in which you've gone to that location with the intent to kill him.

Reviewed with @Tyla Jai
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