AR on Franklin Jones...

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [SAUCY] HolyShititsDannyD! / Danny Darler
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown / Franklin Jones
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:29242801

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 and 2.1 - I was involved in a situation where Franklin and his friend were being chased by the police for Reckless Driving (this was confirmed in the demo where the officer initially chasing him states in the radio that he is trying to pull them over for recklessly driving on the highway, tell me if you need the tick for that part). Due to the officer being low on fuel, I began assisting in trying to pull the car over. At one point we got to the forest where I accidentally stopped there car by driving under it. The driver then ran out into the DARK FOREST, no where to be seen (as seen in the demo).

Once I began searching for the driver, Franklin decided to get in the drivers seat and unstuck the car, and then ran me over. He claimed in the admin sit that he could not see me, however in the demo it seems he had plenty of time to see me, and also had his headlights on.

I feel Franklin's actions broke 3.4 and 2.1. Firstly, he was not the person being chased, and he clearly knew that as I did not attempt to get him out of his car even though I knew he was there, and instead I focused on the driver. This means that him running me over and putting himself at the risk of a 9/10 year jail sentence was not justifiable in my opinion. He claimed that the reason he did it was because he was trying to save his friend, and that he did not see me well. Firstly, his friendly clearly had an easy escape. He was running through a dark forest with only one officer (myself) trying to find him at the time, and as you can see in my demo he was no where in my sight. Secondly, you can see that it really wasn't hard for him to see me. His headlights were on, and the road was still pretty visible (if you can, Franklin, could you upload a demo of your view of the situation to see if you could see me, or if you did try to not hit me?).

I'm not sure why they were trying to escape when being pulled over for a traffic offence in the first place, however I dunno who the driver was nor do I really have sufficient evidence of that part.

Evidence (Demo Required):!jsEERQgB!Wzidtk-QQ1-o3gALChmBIpCcoxmHfyv9fESMf9xP07Q
Tick: 43500

@Chris as he asked me to tag him if I did decide to make one.
Also if anyone knows the user's details do you mind telling me them in the comments? :)
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As I responded to the report ingame, I will review the demo soon and update this with the outcome. Tagging @Rafxl_ in the event that he wishes to respond to this.
I had initially started the chase which itself was very odd as me and another officer witnessed their Red Range River do a U turn twice which started the pursuit. I was very low on fuel and needed to pull out and refuel and that was the only part where I was involved.

Two U turns on the highway infront of officers started the chase but it would have been a simple ticket but they were still driving on. Will try dig up my own demo of this but highly inexperienced at them.
The reason why the officer was killed in the first place was because they started shooting at us during the car chase which then a traffic officer cought us at the forest to wich my other friend ran away while being chased so I got into the car and ran over the officer to save us from being arrested, I then hid the body in the trees which was never found and we all got away without any punishment.
I was with @Rafxl_ when a officer then gun pointed us, we had murdered numerous / countless officers prior to this. (If you know about the incident at Bazaar 2).
We then were gun-pointed on the highway by an officer, whom seemed to then shoot us.
I am not supporting this action request due to this.
Hi there!
I haven't seen the demo , but I've now downloaded it and will be reviewing it tomorrow and then , my final outcome will be given. So At the moment!

I would like to also see a youtube video / demo provided from @Rafxl_ to see what he said was true and so I can see the situation in a different angle which will be much better!

For @HolyShititsDannyD As I think you've already noticed Franklin Jones Forum name is @Rafxl_
And His steam ID is STEAM_0:1:29242801

There you go.
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