AR on Free6ix9ineHeAntDoNuffin

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Donald DJ Trump / Sam Ireland
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Rick smth / Free6ix9ineHeAntDoNuffin
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98821312
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 Ignored my gunpoint, refusing to do what I asked him to stall until his friend could shoot me from another building.
Evidence (Demo Required):
It's not like I was telling you to run into the shootout and stand in the middle of it, you knew the shots were at the back of the house by the balcony because you watched all 4 of us jump up there, then me jump back up down to come over to you, I was trying to get you to move to the front of the building so I could either get you inside or make sure you weren't in a position to have fought back with us, I 100% believe that you were stalling there cause you knew your friend was at Subs 2 and would come and shoot me.

You were ran over because you were sitting in the middle of the road punching peoples cars, as far as I can see it's completely irrelevant to the raid that happened afterwards.

As McGlinchy said in the screenshot: "You should just comply with gunpoint unless you think it's a blatant risk like walking into fire." If I asked you to come and open the balcony door where you know we're shooting in and they're shooting out, fair enough, but you refused to come anywhere near the house when you knew at least the front of it was safe.
In your video u legit i legit heard 3 bullets hit the wall right next to u almost hitting you in the fucking head? da fuq u mean we were safe lmao. And 2nd i didnt even know anyone was still alive so how could i be stalling for him. I legit said i wouldnt run into gun fire as that would be failure to value life.
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alright as I was the guy shooting sam ill explain my side of the story.
I see people going around the neighboorhood making circles
I expect the raid so I go to the roof of the house next to it. org chat was silent so I thought that everyone had died so I peak out see Ricky get held up I missed my first shot unpeak and wait then i repeak and shoot at him again and kill him.
The bullets that are near missing my head are clearly your friend shooting at me from the roof of Subs 2, in which case moving to in front of your house would have been SAFER for you, there is literally no reason for anyone inside the property to be shooting forward since everyone is on balcony.
The bullets that are near missing my head are clearly your friend shooting at me from the roof of Subs 2, in which case moving to in front of your house would have been SAFER for you, there is literally no reason for anyone inside the property to be shooting forward since everyone is on balcony.
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