AR on Freeman Jhonson

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Clarky - Rhys Ross
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: RolexLus - Freeman Jhonson
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:235730022
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The Paramedic in the clip I have provided was reviving the Police during a shootout so I had no choice but to kill him. I was informed that he was gun pointed to revive the Police, however, I would like to see his POV of the situation because this was not proven by evidence as I was told by a staff member when I had created an F6 in-game over this situation.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Apologies about the constant freezing in the clip
Your Steam/In-game Name: Clarky - Rhys Ross
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: RolexLus - Freeman Jhonson
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:235730022
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The Paramedic in the clip I have provided was reviving the Police during a shootout so I had no choice but to kill him. I was informed that he was gun pointed to revive the Police, however, I would like to see his POV of the situation because this was not proven by evidence as I was told by a staff member when I had created an F6 in-game over this situation.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Apologies about the constant freezing in the clip
[INVOLVED, I was the cop who got shot down and res'd]

The medic did combat revive and tried to revive even more officers. But failed. In OOC everyone told the medic to not combat revive (Even staff) And he still did. So he got killed.

And then also. You kind of grabbed the gun while i was screaming to you put the gun down, drop it. And you took it out and shot me. Kind of 3.4 but cba to make an AR, etc. Just wanna play the game lol
And at 0:34 of the clip you could hear the officer and or a criminal say : ''Medic stop''.
And later on you saw him trying to revive someone again.
So he also didnt comply to LEO and or gunpointed criminal's orders.
I grabbed the gun whilst the cops were distracted (notice how I even looked both ways to make sure no one was watching over so I wasn't violating 3.4 necessarily I believe), thinking I'd get away with it and I wanted to save my friends lives but whilst I was equipping I was caught and had no choice but to try to kill the cop who was ordering me to drop the weapon and was partaking in the ongoing shootout.
(That cop was me) xd. I can see your side. I get why you had done that. But as i said, I cba to make an AR and everything

The medic should of complied and adhered to the orders of whoever told them to leave and stop, this medic is in the wrong for combat reviving and can pretty clearly hear the shooting.

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