AR on Greg

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Manchester, England
Your Steam/In-game Name: Adrish/ Kanna Kemo

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Greg / George Quin

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:105439594

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

User broke 3.4 by not dropping items under gunpoint. I asked him to provide a screenshot of his inventory in LOOC, as I knew he had more items than he was saying, he continued to say he didn't have to show me anything and wanted to 'wait for an admin to come on' I asked @ShadowJoey who was an officer at the time to search him, as I could not. Joey promptly arrived and accordingly searched him, showing that he had more than what he claimed. He then disconnected/timed out/pulled his ethernet cable. He then asked another community member to call me a 'paki.' Thus violating rule 1.1. The user already has multiple bans for disconnecting in roleplay situations as well as for using disrespectful language.

Evidence (Demo Required):

LOOC Chat:

His inventory:

Evidence of me mugging him, provided by Joey:

Tick: N/A

I would just like to personally thank ShadowJoey for helping me do this, without him I wouldn't have caught this man breaking rules. He managed to step up and act as an ideal member of the community and acted as a staff member, whilst no members were on the server.
nothing really to say, i didn't ask jjb to call you a paki. i was just annoyed that i kos'd cops for you then i get shot by noxy, who then was making me apologise to get my gun back, from my point of view it seemed like he was stalling me so you could mug me, i was just annoyed and turned my computer off, also, i tabbed out and next thing i know i see cops and they are searching me i felt this was unrealistic at the time as there was cops outside throughout the whole sit and then you get one to search me, this made me even more annoyed so i turned my computer off. nothing else can be said, ill take the punishment
Hello, I was the cop who searched you and fairly certain one of the only two on duty; the other officer was in my car.

I received a steam message from adrish to assist him to gather information for an AR/RR. No police were near you for the majority of the role play situation as both myself and my partner were in the bazaar.

It can get really annoying and stressful when you feel betrayed IC or if you believe others aren’t being realistic, but seriously it’s not worth it in future.
yeah i know what you mean, but as jjb walked in he said "Tony Ryers is literally outside" or something like that
Greg you tried to raid us, do you really think you could come back and get your gun back like we do refund services?

I don't know about knoxy saying you could come and have your gun back or anything like that, I planted drugs, turned around, saw someone who raided us inside our base and decided to mug you. You decided to lie, and it was clear. All over what? A couple mags and a silencer?

You can come on the server, give me the items and I'll close this AR simple as. As I'd rather not have an active player banned and lower the count (assuming you do get banned).

Also, I want a public apology on this thread for you lying to me, coming back after raiding me and not dropping your items, then turning your PC off. Once the 2 are done, I shall close this AR.
it was never the items that i cared about, it was more that i was kosing cops for u, my irl mate was right there, all of a sudden cops are searching me when they where outside and would have heard the mugging, the raid was supposed to be a bit of fun. I am sorry for lying.
Well your IRL mate watched you get mugged and laughed. Goes to show doesn't it.

I wasnt looking for some weak apology, I expect at least 30 words.
i am sorry for breaking the rules, i was annoyed and was did irresponsible actions towards you. i am sorry for lying but have given you everything now, i was never annoyed about the items just the situation in general. this will not happen again. i have learnt my lesson and thanks for giving me the opportunity to not get banned.
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