AR on Illusion

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee

His/Her Steam/In-game Name
: Illusion / Hoe Diamond

His/Her SteamID
: STEAM_0:1:91126000

Why Should This Player Be Punished
3.4 He was not following commands given to him when he had a gun to his head

He didn't drop all the items when we took them from him, "forgetting" about his phone which he dropped after we told him we made a report. We also asked for a screenshot of his inventory which he said is not needed so we waited for the moderator to come and it turns out he didn't drop all his items under GP.

He also stalled for most of the mugging, he was arguing with testa about the rules while we were trying to continue roleplay but just wasn't having it. This is some of the worst RP stalling i have seen and the whole situation took 12 mins when it should have taken 2. He was talking in LOOC when he was supposed to be walking claiming our actions of opening a passenger door from the inside is impossible. He made 2 reports during the whole scenario and i think the video is self explanatory.

If your not lazy watch the whole video ;)
Evidence (Demo Required):


The situation was already handled by the staff team in game as stated by Illusion. This report led to the player being told the necessary actions to follow, in order for RP to continue. There is no need to further extend his punishment for something he's been verbally warned for.​
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